WOMEN - Prolonged period

Since starting to workout on a daily basis I have had one long and ongoing period. I am on my 6th week now. I will start to think the end is near and then it picks back up like crazy. I do have an arm implant for birth control which had stopped my period (before this crazy long one) since I had it put in about a year ago.

Has anyone had this same experience? Please tell me there is hope ahead and that it will end soon!

ETA: I have called my doctor. He said it is not a concern...


  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Call your doctor
  • Call your doctor

    Yep, i agree.
  • My doctor said not to worry about it... but then again he also won't do my annual exam either (VA Clinic... he sends me to the Women's Clinic that is two hours away).
  • I am going to edit my original post to indicate that I have called the doctor...
  • marqcutie80
    marqcutie80 Posts: 68 Member
    In the past strenuous exercise has affected mine, but not nearly for that long. 6 weeks isn't normal and you need to consult a healthcare professional other than your Dr. at the VA.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    SIx weeks??

    I'd see a doctor. A NEW doctor.
  • Unfortunately with the VA being my insurance... seeing another doctor is not an option unless I completely pay for it out of pocket. I can imagine the cost of going to a gyno out of pocket would be several hundred... included blood work / labs.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I have the arm implant, and the whole first year of having it was like this for me, starting about a month after getting it. I saw my doctor, she put me on the pill for a month, which helped for that month plus a couple weeks, then it started again. I was almost to the point of having it removed when it started slowing down, and then stopped. Now I'm on a somewhat normal cycle. Seems weird that it would happen after having it for a year though. If it keeps up, you might see if your doctor will put you on a low-dose pill for a month, as that apparently is supposed to even things out, although it didn't really work for me.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    That totally sucks, havi g to pay! If it were me I'd want a second opinion, or to try and convince my Dr that this isn't normal.
    I don't want to scare you, but a friend of mine had continuous bleeding and she was diagnosed with cancer - she was only 30.
    I'm not saying that's what you've got, but I'd err on the side of caution.
  • I wouldn't imagine it would be the implant a year later but I am sure willing to get it taken out! It sure isn't doing anything for BC since I am always on my period. LOL!
  • I guess I should say I had my annual exam done in late fall... and that was normal and I think that is why he is not worried.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    My doctor said not to worry about it... but then again he also won't do my annual exam either (VA Clinic... he sends me to the Women's Clinic that is two hours away).

    typical male 'doctor'. That is the number one reason I refuse to see a male for 'lady issues'.

    Are you close to a Planned Parenthood? They do more than just abortions, they also perform ALL women related healthcare procedures, and on a sliding scale. Explain to them that your insurance is thru the VA, and your doctor doesn't seem concerned that you have been bleeding for 6 weeks, but you are. Blood loss for that long can lead to anemia or any number of other issues.

    YOUR health is the most important thing, being brushed off like that could also be a cause for a formal complaint to be made against that 'doctor' to the board. Doctor's are held to ethics, rule number one is "Do no harm".
  • My doctor said not to worry about it... but then again he also won't do my annual exam either (VA Clinic... he sends me to the Women's Clinic that is two hours away).

    typical male 'doctor'. That is the number one reason I refuse to see a male for 'lady issues'.

    Are you close to a Planned Parenthood? They do more than just abortions, they also perform ALL women related healthcare procedures, and on a sliding scale. Explain to them that your insurance is thru the VA, and your doctor doesn't seem concerned that you have been bleeding for 6 weeks, but you are. Blood loss for that long can lead to anemia or any number of other issues.

    YOUR health is the most important thing, being brushed off like that could also be a cause for a formal complaint to be made against that 'doctor' to the board. Doctor's are held to ethics, rule number one is "Do no harm".

    I hadn't thought of PP but I will definitely give them a call tomorrow. It is quicker than getting anywhere with the VA. Anyone that has ever worked with the VA will understand that!
  • call admin and tell them that you need to be seen. In no way shape or form is it "normal" to diagnose over the phone. Admin will get you in the see a doc. And PP is a great resourse!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    My doctor said not to worry about it... but then again he also won't do my annual exam either (VA Clinic... he sends me to the Women's Clinic that is two hours away).

    Are you close to a Planned Parenthood? They do more than just abortions, they also perform ALL women related healthcare procedures, and on a sliding scale. Explain to them that your insurance is thru the VA, and your doctor doesn't seem concerned that you have been bleeding for 6 weeks, but you are. Blood loss for that long can lead to anemia or any number of other issues.

    I was going to pretty much say this, and there is a PP in Traverse City.
  • call admin and tell them that you need to be seen. In no way shape or form is it "normal" to diagnose over the phone. Admin will get you in the see a doc. And PP is a great resourse!

    Just curious if you have ever worked with the VA? You can't call "admin". The system is completely broken. For real. You have to have the doctor's approval to even schedule an appointment.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    See the doctor AND get checked for anemia.

    I had this sort of thing for more than a year off and on. I was SEVERELY anemic and the doctor put me on hormones to control the bleeding. Don't let this go unaddressed for too long.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Your best option would be to see your doctor. Usually if you do a drastic change of eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis, it can definitely shock your body. Its usually good to talk to your doc before doing any changes. Good luck! The sooner the better!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    That's not only NOT NORMAL, it could be dangerous..

    It's how I found out I had miscarried a pregnancy.

    Please go see a doctor as soon as possible, just to be safe.
  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    I had a friend who was somewhat of a fitness freak in order to lose weight... worked out all the time etc etc. She got the implant and not long after had a period last 8 months before she just had it removed, it also made her a raging b**** ( pre implant she was NEVER in a bad mood just always a happy person). Hope it gets better for you! Good luck :smile:

    eta: she was seeing her doctor too during all of this and because it would stop for a day or two then come right back with a vengeance, the dr. didn't seem to worry and said just wait it out until your body adjusts... wtf?