Hello everyone . .

Hi everyone, my name is Misty and I just started on here today. I'm 35 years old, and not too overweight, but still a bit more than I want to be. The weight charts cover such a big span, so I'm like barely over it, like just 2 lbs heavier than the top limit, but still I'm 31 pounds heavier than my personal weight preference (which is also still in the healthy weight range on the chart).

I was a lucky teenager with a very high metabolism, so I was stick skinny until I got married and had 2 kids within a 2 year span. I was used to being able to eat anything as a teenager, and when I was pregnant told myself "I'm pregnant, it doesn't matter how much I eat or how big I get right now". Well that times two pregnancies, without losing any weight in between, and now a much slower metabolism, made me HUGE for a while. It took a few years for me to figure out how to lose the weight, and get down to lookiing okay again. I never reached my ideal weight but lost enough that I was still kinda pleased when I looked in the mirror. Now, I've started eating again, and I can see it in my face and belly. I gained almost 10 pounds, and I wasn't too close to my ideal weight to begin with.

So, I'm ready to nip this in the bud before it gets to be a huge problem again, and so I like my reflection again. Only this time, I'm going all the way down to my ideal weight. Last time, I learned that I do best at losing weight when I keep track of my daily calories, so even though I'm still a junk food junkie, as long as I keep track of everything, I can start to keep my daily calories in check, and then I start to make better choices and eat more nutritionally. So today's calorie journal is full of all the junk I ate, (I was in a bad mood today), and tomorrow's will likely look much better. And tomorrow, it will be under my daily limit of 1200 (I think that's the lowest this site will recommend because it adjusted ~my~ goal of losing 2 lbs per week to losing 1.4, and apparently I can't lose 2 lbs while eating 1200 cal a day)

Okay, so that's my weight struggle story in a nutshell - I look forward to joining y'all and getting to know y'all as we do this thing!



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! It is wonderful here! You should find everything you need to know and get a great support system. Good luck on your journey to finding the new you!
  • RhondaCrombie
    Welcome! SO nice to meet you. :-) Good luck!!