I feel a binge coming on...



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    if you're exercising, and your bmr is 1900, 1400 probably isn't enough - hence the desire to binge.

    side note. you are female. there are two times when I feel like I can't get enough to eat. after an intense long workout or run and my body is screaming feed me more! OR just before I get my period., in which case my hormones are screaming feed me everything! ;)
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    you said you've been at it about a month. Hopefully not TMI, but I get major binge urges about a week to a few days before my period. My hormones go crazy, I get depressed and angry etc etc.

    Just a thought. I up my cals a little so I don't "feel deprived" :)
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    If you BMR is 1900 that's the minimum you should be eating per day. You probably aren't eating enough.

    I'm scared to eat more, honestly. That sounds stupid, I know... I just can't wrap my head around the number. I know I was eating WAYYY more than that to get to 190 lbs at 5'3, but now that I'm eating a lot better, I'm scared I'll use the calories for the old foods.

    Foolish thoughts.. Yes.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    All of you have GREAT suggestions!!!!

    I'm the kind of person who throws myself whole-heartedly into something and then burns out.. I so don't want that to happen here. I'm going to do some research, go to the grocery tonight and look at getting more protein-based foods, as well as finding veggies that will appeal to me.

    I'd like to bring a big, fresh salad every day to lunch... random thought but since someone mentioned upping my veggie intake. I need to get a bigger lunch box, the one I have now is so small I can't fit anything into it except a couple of cans.

    Gosh, I love all your suggestions. I'm typing a note into my iphone right now to remind myself of all this wonderful advice! :)