Dedicated to whatever will help...just please help

I have been pretty hard on myself about what i eat and how much I exercise let me give you some stats:
I am 19, 5'7, 160lbs, and I would say a muscular/curvy build:). according to BMI and ideal weight for me i should be 159 lbs. My goal however is only 5-15lbs. I would like to be 150-155. So since i have been working about at least 30min a day 5days a week and am always under calories..(sometimes over protein) i Really need to know what i need to be doing to lose it by june and keep it off... any and every piece of advice is really appreciated!


  • mattle
    mattle Posts: 14
    How far under calories are you generally? If you eat too few calories your metabolism won't burn fat as easily. Make sure you try and eat most of your exercise calories.

    Here are some related posts from the forums:

    Be well!
  • rebeccajand
    rebeccajand Posts: 1 Member
    Please make sure your are eating enough. Your body will go into starvation mode and not burn calories. Make sure you are feeding your body and exercise more. I typically exercise about an hour a day and make sure i am eating enough to fuel my body for these workouts. If you aren't eating enough you are probably not getting a good quality workout becaue you are tiring. I am in the same situation as you. I have a healthy BMI but would like to drop 5 to 10 pounds (still in the healthy range) to be able to preform better running and to just feel better.
  • kdbell
    kdbell Posts: 37
    I generally am under my calorie goal 200-400 sometimes its less but usually its not. I also don't record my exercise because then it gives me more calories. according to mfp I have 1740 calories for the day
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    You don't have a whole lot to lose, and that makes it harder and slower. I would suggest continuing to do what you are doing and enjoy being in good health and well-toned. You will probably lose weight but slowly. I have just started a new exercise plan based on a book called "5-Factor Fitness" by Harley Pasternak, who trained Halle Berry when she was getting in shape to play Catwoman. It focuses on a five-week regimen of fairly short but intense weight-lifting sessions and some cardio. I got the book for $7 (including shipping) on Amazon. Might be worth a try.