Is it normal, or what?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Stop getting on the scale so much. Once a day at most if you're like me and like to make nerdy charts and graphs. Same time and under the same conditions. Also remember that 1 Lb fat = 3,500 unless you're really screwing your logged calories up in a major way, I can assure you that you're not even gaining 1 Lb of fat in a day.

    Water weight can be considerable, particularly if you are lifting. I had a really intense session on Saturday and yesterday I was 5 Lbs heavier than I was on Friday for my official weigh in. It's water...I know because my muscles were pretty sore and they're still a bit sore today, tough I was down 1.5 Lbs from yesterday.

    Also, watch your sodium and in particular your balance of sodium to potassium...potassium should be more. 2,000 or so sodium:4,700mg potassium. The more sodium you have, the more important it is to try to hit that potassium number. Also, lots and lots of water...I drink well over my 8 glasses per day to flush out the sodium and give my muscles plenty to work with for repair. The more water you drink, the less your body will need to retain.

    Further, keep in mind that on average, one consumes roughly 5 Lbs of food or more per a few pounds of liquids to're going to have fluctuations attributable to this stuff coming in and accumulated waste until it comes out.