Need Help With Glutes Not Firing

I'm sure this is going to sound strange, but I'm hoping to get some advice from people pretty well versed in isolating and working out specific muscle areas.

My left glutes do not seem to be working all that well. I can tell because one side of my butt is getting tighter and rounder than the other.

I tend to swing my leg to and fro, using my hip flexors moreso than my glutes. I do a combination of donkey kicks, back leg extensions, side leg extensions, clam shells, wall sits and calve raises. I will even do planks, lunges and squats. I don't feel the burn in my left gluteal muscles the way I do in my right.

Can anyone recommend a specific exercise that I can do at home, without any fancy equipment, that can help me get my left gluteal muscles to start firing again? I don't know what else I can do.

Am I destined to be "half assed" the rest of my life? Please help!