Diabetes and weight loss

Hi , so i'm back and this time for good recently found out i have Type 2 diabetes ,Not a fun thing to have at all .. but time to make better choices and learn how to control it so far so good lost 20lbs since November my Dr even lowered down my medication and insulin =) It wasn't easy but it's a start . I need to lose weight before it's my turn for IVF ....... Here looking for friends who can help me with this weight loss journey i'm on


  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    fantastic that you got your insulin lowered! Keep it up!

    feel free to add
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    Type 2 here been a struggle for 12 years. I use to use it for an excuse but not any more. Just watch your levels days I hit it hard with cardio my blood sugars crashs. It's a battle to keep my meds right. Trying to get the doc to let me go for month with no meds and try with diet and exercise but she's not for that. Good luck friend me if you'd like if any questions ask away.
  • My sugar gets so low even if i'm just doing house cleaning it's never stays at a stable number but i have learned what makes it go high