Weight loss plateau after only 30 days??

I just finished 30 days of Insanity Asylum, I totally changed my diet started counting calories and logging everything and the first 12 days I lost 10lbs. Then when I weighed in on day 30 I didn't even lose a single ounce...I mean I definitely see a difference. I did my measurements and I lost 3 inches off my waist and 4 inches off of each thigh which was crazy awesome. My pictures definitely show a difference. I still need to lose 40 lbs though. I have 4 children and my oldest is 5. So my body has been through a lot and I'm just trying to have a good body again. After having kids I am never able to get past this one spot with my weight and I am at that point again and I just can't get past it. I mean I am being super careful with my diet I do not have cheat days or even bad moments. I come in under my calories every day and I work out every day. What can I do to get past this plateau? I am so frustrated with this weight loss. My fiance is doing this with me by the way and in the first 30 days he lost 19lbs and it's just not fair! Who has good advise for getting past this plateau???