Bored Eating

So I have always prided myself on the fact that I don't drink or smoke. However, my vice is and always has been eating. I love food. And, I'm a bottomless pit. I can seriously eat Chinese food at a buffet, and 30 minutes later eat again. (Really, I can eat at any buffet and be hungry again, not just Chinese).

I am exercising and eating better (for the most part). My problem though is I want to eat. I am drinking a ton of water, and am not hungry, but again, I want to eat. It's all in my head.

How do you deal with this? Or how have you dealt with it if you are past this? I pace most of the time, which is semi-helpful.....

I welcome suggestions! Thanks and good luck in your weight loss endeavors!


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Find something to occupy more of your time. If that's not a possibility, just make sure you keep healthy snacks around. I know it's harder said than done, but if you really feel the need to snack atleast keep baby carrots, grapes, etc around to grab when the urge hits.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hi ya YoungDoc!

    Don't know how long you've been on mfp - but i know what's helped me, is the simple fact of logging my food pretty regularly and seeing the quality of food i was eating, compared to now. My mindset - which sounds like yours - is eating in BULK lol. Not necessarily having to be anything savory or knock your socks off good - but something with lots of food so I can eat a lot lol.

    About a week after logging in my stuff everyday - and seeing that dang....those cookies sure had a lot of cals in them - not worth it - when i coulda eat more of something healthier and eating my bulk quota haha.

    For example - BABY SPINACH IS YOUR FRIEND lol - 4 cups of this stuff - yes CUPS is only 20 cals man! Woohoo. I put that *hit on everything now haha.

    Also - getting more involved w/ the message boards here on mfp helps kill some time. You're going through, sharing what's worked for you - what hasn't - what you like to eat - some of the funny posts like what's the worst name you were called in school lol - just getting really involved w/ the mfp community helps to take my mind off of it....

    now i'm only 1 month in - so the urges are not completely gone - but when they come to mind - they seem to filter away faster out of my system, as i'm looking at the stacked baby spinach sandwich i'm eating and making believe the layers of green crunchy goodness are really multi meat layers in a big hoagie type sandwich lol.

    mind trickery i tell you - it's all in the mind lol