Need motivation after 6 weeks on MFP & few results

JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
Hi all

Some of you may have seen previous posts of mine but here I am 6 weeks into using MFP and have seen very little change in my situation.

Admittedly I got off to a bad start as I was eating too little and gradually increased that so that I am eating just above my BMR, although over the weeks I've adjusted my figures quite a bit.

I have used so many online calculators to work out my true BMR and yesterday I found one that seems quite accurate and it puts me at 1372 calories so this morning I re-set MFP to 1400 calories per day (it has been set at 1500 for the past couple of weeks as a minimum).

I generally burn off anything from 300-650 calories per day through exercise 6-7 days a week and this can vary quite a lot so I prefer to eat back my exercise calories on top of the 1400 on MFP. Due to this I have worked out my TDEE based on being sedentary and a lot of calculators for this put me at a TDEE of anything from 1700-1900. Based on this and a defeceit of anything from 300-500 calories per day I know I won't lose a huge amount of weight/fat and it could be less than 1lb per week but here's my problem:

When I started on MFP (on 2nd January) I was 147 lbs with a body fat % of 32% approximately. I worked this out using several body fat calculators and that seemed to be the closest to accurate.

While initially I lost some lbs and went down to 144 lbs I got on the scales this morning and I'm back at 146.5 and I've got no idea why. My body fat has dropped 1-1.5% which I suppose is something but after 6 weeks of effort and 4 weeks doing a 6 day workout programme I am really disappointed not to see better results. My workouts include weights 4 days a week and HIIT training plus I do extra cardio some days hence the variation in cals burned.

My other half is telling me to give up as he says it's obviously not working and I really don't know what else I can do or what I'm doing wrong. My measurements haven't really changed either and the only positive point I can think of is that I'm eating a lot more protein now, less carbs and I'm feeling a little stronger than before.

Help and advice much needed!


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How accurately do you log your food? Do you weigh and measure everything?

    Also, how tall are you?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I'm 5 foot 4 and weigh and measure most of the time when at home. I'd say 80-90% accurate.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm 5 foot 4 and weigh and measure most of the time when at home. I'd say 80-90% accurate.

    Do you weigh your food?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Yes, most of the time when I'm at home which is the majority of the time. I look at the cals/fat on packets and put it into MFP based on the closest in the database or adjust quantities to read the same cals/fat/carbs/protein etc.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    i m kinda in the same situation. i lost 9 lbs the first week, and ever since then, i am stuck. no more loss, and no gain either. but nothing since 4 weeks..starts getting depressing!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What are you using to estimate your calorie burn?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Since 2 weeks ago I've been using a Polar FT7 and I just bought an Omron pedometer to track daily calorie burn and steps taken outside of actual workouts.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Between possible inaccuracies with the estimated burn and logging (it is inevitable) you are probably eating too much.

    I would look to eat back only 50 - 75% of your exercise calories to account for over-estimates.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Ok, this morning I changed MFP calories from 1500-1400 net so that's already 100 cals lower plus if I eat back less then hopefully that will help. I was very conscious of netting enough cals per day but maybe I shouldn't be so worried about that.

    I need to start seeing results soon otherwise what's the point!
  • belle19822000
    belle19822000 Posts: 62 Member
    Try measuring your waist, legs, arms, instead of the scale. The scale is mean and not doing anyone justice.

    I feel lighter than 1 kg lost, and my waist dropped 4 cm (I'm sure that's a double digit in inches) in 2 weeks (i started using MFP 2 weeks into my diet/exercise plan, so I dropped 1 kg before the MFP as well).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ok, this morning I changed MFP calories from 1500-1400 net so that's already 100 cals lower plus if I eat back less then hopefully that will help. I was very conscious of netting enough cals per day but maybe I shouldn't be so worried about that.

    I need to start seeing results soon otherwise what's the point!

    And you are right to be careful - its just that there are inaccuracies with most of the inputs, no matter how careful you are. HRMs have variables based on averages, nutritional labels are allowed to be off by a certain %, calculators for BMRs are based on averages of a certain population. All this is why you need to tweak to be specific to you.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    It's so frustrating! Partly because I've gone from not really bothering to look at what I'm eating to weighing and measuring everything I put in my mouth and logging all my activity as well as actively trying to do more. I feel like I'm stuck in an impossible situation which I can't get out of and all this exercise and changing my macros from high carb to much lower carb/high protein is for nothing. I am determined to make a change and to stick with it but I just feel like crying some days when I get on the scale.

    My measurements haven't really changed either, maybe it's because I have been toning up a bit and not losing much fat so the measurements are the same. If I can shift some of this fat I'll hopefully start seeing some progress I just wish I knew the true figures for BMR/TDEE and calories burned off.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi,Please don't give up.I always gain a few pounds-3 precisely- due to water retention.Please check sodium content of the food.My weight always comes back to normal after the gain of 3 pounds about after 2 days.Also due to strength training, sometimes the muscle retains some water to prevent tear of muscles.Don't check your weight after strength training days.Also weigh at empty stomach , first thing in the morning.

    Also check if your clothes are feeling lose.Losing 1.5% fat is quite good, It has just been over a month.You should give some more time.The scale most of the times lie, and I have stopped looking at the scale.Try to eat 50%-75% of the exercise calories back.You have too many frozen food, they have a lot of sodium to enhance taste.Go for fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    To be honest I only weigh myself before eating/drinking in the morning with no clothes (or jewellery) on! My clothes actually feel tighter to be honest! They fit a little differently though. I think my legs are bigger than they were when I started.

    It's so tempting to drop my calories right back down to 1000-1200 again due to lack of results because I know that's worked in the past but I'm trying to resist.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I am trying to eat cleaner food, I've also cut out almost all processed foods and generally eat natural food now. I also stopped fizzy drinks 95% of the time and log my alcohol consumption now but I only drink once a week these days.

    I have stopped taking artificial sweetners in my coffee and tea too so I feel like I've made a lot of changes/sacrifices for nothing. I try not to use a lot of salt on food but I only use low sodium salt anyway. I've been drinking a lot more water recently so not sure if this has affected anything but considering the time, effort and money I've spent so far for what seems like nothing I am almost at the end of my my tether. Just had delivery of a new protein powder today but it's only 30 days worth (1 shake per day) as that's all I can afford right now. Some people on here have recommended going very low carb but quite frankly I can't afford to spend more than I am on protein and I need to get the calories from somewhere!!!
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Don't only rely on weight, because if you're working out as much as you say you are you maybe be gaining muscle! When it comes to calorie counting, I feel all of the calculators and websites and tools and CRAP and just that, crap. Over analyzing is just going to stress you out. You know how to eat RIGHT. Eat slowly, drink water in between, eat clean, and ONLY when you're hungry. The loss will come. Just keep doing what you're doing. :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd look at eating back 50% of your exercise calories as opposed to all of them. Calorie estimates and food estimates can be off massively. Looks like you overestimating calories burnt or underestimating calories eaten...

    Your macros are pretty good looking at your diary. I'd definitely stick with the carbs and protein but decrease what your eating back. Do not give up. Just need to give it time to work out your numbers. I know you'd like it immediately, but it takes time sometimes.

    What I will say is give what ever you decide a good four weeks to see if it's working. Your body will need time to adjust. Seems like you are switching it up constantly and not giving it time to see if it works!

    Zara z
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'd look at eating back 50% of your exercise calories as opposed to all of them. Calorie estimates and food estimates can be off massively. Looks like you overestimating calories burnt or underestimating calories eaten...

    Your macros are pretty good looking at your diary. I'd definitely stick with the carbs and protein but decrease what your eating back. Do not give up. Just need to give it time to work out your numbers. I know you'd like it immediately, but it takes time sometimes.

    What I will say is give what ever you decide a good four weeks to see if it's working. Your body will need time to adjust. Seems like you are switching it up constantly and not giving it time to see if it works!

    Zara z

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I am trying to eat cleaner food, I've also cut out almost all processed foods and generally eat natural food now. I also stopped fizzy drinks 95% of the time and log my alcohol consumption now but I only drink once a week these days.

    I have stopped taking artificial sweetners in my coffee and tea too so I feel like I've made a lot of changes/sacrifices for nothing. I try not to use a lot of salt on food but I only use low sodium salt anyway. I've been drinking a lot more water recently so not sure if this has affected anything but considering the time, effort and money I've spent so far for what seems like nothing I am almost at the end of my my tether. Just had delivery of a new protein powder today but it's only 30 days worth (1 shake per day) as that's all I can afford right now. Some people on here have recommended going very low carb but quite frankly I can't afford to spend more than I am on protein and I need to get the calories from somewhere!!!

    Also I see that you are weighing in at this point 0.5lb a week is not unreasonable. (says you lost 3lbs) things do slow down a little when you haven't got huge amounts to lose.

    Also, don't need to go higher on the protein. 120g would be enough for the exercise your doing. Well enough. Also if you decide to drop the carbs some days you don't need to eat more protein than you already are. Get some healthy fats in instead... Nuts, Avacado, olive oil, eggs, houmous etc.

    Hope that helps!
