New on here

Well I am new on here and I am loving knowing just how many cal you have to eat and how it keeps track of them. I have tried other diets and I have no idea on how many cal I ate or could eat. I am already getting shocked about the cal. in some of the foods. What an eye opener. I don't eat much but I found out real fast some of the things that I was eating had a lot of cal. Here is to all of you out there who like me wants to get in control of our weight. When I started I had 65lbs to lose and as of today I have lost 5. So 60 more to go!


  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome, You will find all kinds of informaiton here. I love the tracking my cals portion the most. It showed me what I already knew in "black and white"

    Good luck
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
  • sandi9597
    Hi!! I am new also and like you I have tried every diet also. Lets begin today healthier and happier than yesturday!! We can do this..