UK and ROI parents/caregivers to participate in my research?

Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
I am looking for parents/caregivers from UK or ROI to participate in my research. It is titled Emotional Regulation and Coping in Caregivers of Children with Complex needs. As it is a comparison study, any caregiver of children under 18 can take part as it is comparing caregivers of children with no additional care requirements with those that do have physical, psychological, developmental or complex care requirements.

The study takes about 20 minutes to complete and there is an option to request a paper survey to be posted out instead if you prefer.

I wish I could ask people from other countries to participate, but because it is asking about coping and emotion, I wanted to provide help line contact points and it's just not possible to provide that for every country.

so if you fit the above criteria and can spare 20 minutes, please help me with my research thanks :)

(no hyperlink so you will have to copy and paste to your browser bar) pm me if you want to ask me anything about it.

