What to eat at this restaurant? Calorie counts are insane!



  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I agree with others, cut the portion when you get the meal. Ask for a to-go box along side your meal and put half of it in the box before you start eating so that you don't even touch that part and have it for lunch/dinner tomorrow. OR...you can cut a few calories from tomorrow, have a lighter lunch/dinner to balance it out.

    Keep in mind though, one day won't ruin you. If you end up eating something that is high in calorie, that one day will not throw you off track. Just get back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Do you absolutely have to eat there? I mean, is everyone going to be sitting down together to eat and expecting you to eat with them? If not, in such a situation where I am going to be out somewhere for a while, but don't want to eat at a place, I pack snack reserves in my purse to tide me over until I get home and can eat what I want. That is, like 100 calorie bars/packs or granola bars or the like, and then just grab something quick and low cal like a Lean Cuisine meal or homemade salad or whatever when I get home. This way I know what I'm putting in my mouth and I have complete control and not at the mercy of whatever restaurant/bar or other function I'm forced into attending.

    Yes, I do. As I've said a few times, I'm going to be there till 11PM. And not having eating since lunch, and going straight from work, I don't want to pass out. Its not about the social aspect, this is why I made sure to say I HAVE to eat there, please choose from the menu for me lol. I AM going to eat there, and I AM serious about my diet, I just want recommendations about what to eat there.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    Wow, those are some calorie dense meals. I would go for the steakhouse salad. It is listed as 749 calories. So, close to your budget. Also, you could get it without the fried onion strips which would save some calories. As far as salad dressings, they have a fat free raspberry vinaigrette, oil and vinegar, and pinot noir vinaigrette. Get one of these on the side and use sparingly.

    Also, don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Get a grilled chicken breast, broccoli (without the butter or oil they have to putting on it to make it 133 calories) and a plain baked potato. Good luck!
  • s07civic
    s07civic Posts: 50 Member
    What I would do is just order a salad without dressing, no bacon, no cheese, etc. Maybe get a grilled chicken salad. Even if it's not on the menu, technically it's a "RESTAURANT" so shouldn't they accomodate you? :-) Just my $.02
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    Do you absolutely have to eat there? I mean, is everyone going to be sitting down together to eat and expecting you to eat with them? If not, in such a situation where I am going to be out somewhere for a while, but don't want to eat at a place, I pack snack reserves in my purse to tide me over until I get home and can eat what I want. That is, like 100 calorie bars/packs or granola bars or the like, and then just grab something quick and low cal like a Lean Cuisine meal or homemade salad or whatever when I get home. This way I know what I'm putting in my mouth and I have complete control and not at the mercy of whatever restaurant/bar or other function I'm forced into attending.

    Yes, I do. As I've said a few times, I'm going to be there till 11PM. And not having eating since lunch, and going straight from work, I don't want to pass out. Its not about the social aspect, this is why I made sure to say I HAVE to eat there, please choose from the menu for me lol. I AM going to eat there, and I AM serious about my diet, I just want recommendations about what to eat there.

    Sorry, the post where you mentioned that went up while I was typing my post so I never saw it. All I knew of was 3+ hours at the place. Also, while I can see the menu, for some reason, I am not able to load up the nutritional info at all, so can't see it.

    edit: and yes, I'm typing much slower than I usually do as my right wrist and hand are injured and in a brace. slow going here, so I may miss things as I type...happens.
  • seeashleysave
    seeashleysave Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with everyone about asking for a box immediately. I use this trick all the time. Also, I would recommend seeing if anyone who is going with you would be willing to split an entree. This method would be even less tempting because you don't have a box of food sitting in front of you.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ask what is on the house salad - if there is bacon, cheese or egg, tell them to take it off and ask for Oil and Vinegar on the side.
    Get the soup and salad combo with the house salad, and cup of chili - hold the cheese.

    Or the Jamaican chicken, but only eat half, with a plain house salad, oil and vinegar on the side.

    Also keep in mind, you're not going to gain 10 pounds if you go over by a few hundred calories tonight.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Even the side salad is 647 calories though! I don't understand these calorie counts at all :(. And like for the chicken, if I subtract the rice, its 500 calories - that doesn't sound right for 2 chicken breasts, sauce, broccoli, and beans, it should be more shouldn't it? Half the cheese pizza would be good if only I could get a normal side salad that wasn't 647 calories!

    I'm really shocked to see these numbers, how can a place not have anything remotely healthy?

    How can a place not have anything remotely healthy? It's more common than you think. I ate out ALL last summer while I was in a hotel with my husband and WOW. I learned where to AVOID fast.

    However, if this is a one time thing it sounds like you've seen many options to modify what you remove from a 'meal' set up, however, also see if they can modify *how* they cook things. You can ask for them to make something 'dry' (ie no butter light on olive oil) although you wont get an exact calorie count as to what that means, it's still less your body will have to burn later.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I just looked at the nutrition, not the actual menu.

    But I am going to say what some other people said - a side Caesar salad and a cup of chili without cheese would be pretty dang good.

    Another idea - get the "Buffalo chicken sliders" appetizer, and eat like two of those little sliders.

    Or get something off the kids menu.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Call ahead and ask if you can bring something. A lot of times, if you are part of a function, they are willing to look the other way if you ask politely. You could also explain that you are on a very specific diet.

    Barring that, try bringing a bottle of salad dressing in your purse. 99% of the time, restaurant salad dressings are full of fatty badness. You might get an odd look or two when you pull out the bottle, but you can joke about how you saw someone do it in a commercial once and thought it would be fun to try. ;-)
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Call ahead and ask if you can bring something. A lot of times, if you are part of a function, they are willing to look the other way if you ask politely. You could also explain that you are on a very specific diet.

    Barring that, try bringing a bottle of salad dressing in your purse. 99% of the time, restaurant salad dressings are full of fatty badness. You might get an odd look or two when you pull out the bottle, but you can joke about how you saw someone do it in a commercial once and thought it would be fun to try. ;-)

    I'm going straight from work (with other people) so I don't have time to stop somewhere and bring something else, but the salad dressing thing is a good idea for another time, I'll have to do that!
    How can a place not have anything remotely healthy? It's more common than you think. I ate out ALL last summer while I was in a hotel with my husband and WOW. I learned where to AVOID fast.

    Yes you're right, I don't really eat at these chain/bar & grill type places often so i guess I didn't realize - most local places have at least a few options that are healthy (or seem so anyway!) and every salad isn't loaded with cheese and croutons etc, just surprising to see that not one thing on the menu was remotely healthy without being customized!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm going to Bailey's Pub right after work for an event and will be there for 3+ hours, so have to eat dinner there. I'll have about 700 calories left - but even the salads are more than that (doesn't look like they have any light dressing)! Can anyone give me some advice on what to eat? (Please don't say just eat, cheat, whatever - I'm looking for specific recs on what I make healthier/fit into 700 cals. The food isn't very good so I don't want to splurge on something that doesn't even taste good). I don't eat seafood but everything else is fine.

    I was thinking the Jamaican Chicken- 921 calories, Two grilled chicken breasts, marinated in sweet soy sauce, pineapple and ginger. Served with black beans, rice and fresh steamed broccoli. If I don't eat the rice, can I subtract the rice calories (big easy rice says 423 calories, or rice pilaf for 300)?


    Nutrition info:

    I know I'm being anal about this but its the only way this works for me, so if anyone has any helpful advice its much appreciated, thank you!

    Why not eat just 1/3 or 1/2 and take the rest home to enjoy the next day? That's what I do. I also skip the bread and dessert.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    It's a pub. Were it me, I would just accept the fact that I'm going to go over calories, try not to go completely overboard, and adjust the next few days to make up for it.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Call ahead and ask if you can bring something. A lot of times, if you are part of a function, they are willing to look the other way if you ask politely. You could also explain that you are on a very specific diet.

    Barring that, try bringing a bottle of salad dressing in your purse. 99% of the time, restaurant salad dressings are full of fatty badness. You might get an odd look or two when you pull out the bottle, but you can joke about how you saw someone do it in a commercial once and thought it would be fun to try. ;-)

    I'm going straight from work (with other people) so I don't have time to stop somewhere and bring something else, but the salad dressing thing is a good idea for another time, I'll have to do that!
    How can a place not have anything remotely healthy? It's more common than you think. I ate out ALL last summer while I was in a hotel with my husband and WOW. I learned where to AVOID fast.

    Yes you're right, I don't really eat at these chain/bar & grill type places often so i guess I didn't realize - most local places have at least a few options that are healthy (or seem so anyway!) and every salad isn't loaded with cheese and croutons etc, just surprising to see that not one thing on the menu was remotely healthy without being customized!
    They have Oil and Vinegar - I'm sure that's just in a bottle, so you can put it on yourself, and is MUCH better than any pre-made dressing, on the side or not.
  • highdimension
    highdimension Posts: 5 Member
    Just order the Jamaican Chicken and eat half of the plate. Save the rest for lunch the next day, or you can order something that doesn't have any wheat, dairy, eggs, sugar, white starches (as most of those ingredients are calorie packed). You could also do a salad and make a dressing out of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and dijon mustard - a delicious and healthier option compared to the calorie rich salad dressings they have.
  • kcritter77
    kcritter77 Posts: 162 Member
    Order the salad without cheese, and no dressing. Take your own dressing with you.
  • tonitass
    tonitass Posts: 22 Member
    The Salads have cheese, bacon, and croutons in them, which you could opt to leave out. Also, if you opt for the grilled chicken without the marinade, you could have the rice and the broccolli and that would probably be closer to 700 calories. Have you also thought about reducing your calories for breakfast and lunch to leave yourself a few more for dinner?
  • Eat before you go to the restaurant, then have an appitizer for entree when you get there.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Order your Jamaican Chicken, don't eat the rice, and eat only one of the two breasts. Ask for all sauces on the side.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Personally - I would order the steak with broccoli and water or tea and eat half of it. That way you have a meal for some other time too. It will also keep you under your goal and give you very little carbs.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Order whatever you want, cut it in half, and have them pack the leftovers right away. 2 delicious meals for the price of one, and half the calories.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    and if you think you'll still be hungry, order a side salad.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You could get the salad without Cheese and Bacon, and like others have said, ask for salad on the side. Also ask for a Lemon wedge(or 2) and use that as the majority of your dressing. Or you could always bring your own dressing!

    Or have a cup of Chili-368 Cals with a Side Ceaser-298 Calories(without dressing)

    Have you looked at the sodium in the Jamaican Chicken? Wowza!! 3146 Mg's...That is insane! I would skip that entree! Or get it without the sauce.

    Is ordering off the Kid's Menu an option? The Cheese Pizza is 515 cals and 27 g of fat.

    Good luck and enjoy your evening!
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    say you are allergic to dairy - ask for no cheese, and no dressing. They will pay more attention if you say it's an allergy. So have unbreaded chicken with your plain salad. That's very simple. Bacon, cheese and crutons are obviously where those calories are coming from. So just ask for without those