Please read and help...very discouraged



  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Drop the muffin, regular soda and the cheat day.

    Significantly increase your activity level with cardiovascular exercise.
  • Wickedone1973
    Make sure to log your "cheat days". I know for me one cheat meal at a pizza joint and I can undue all the work from the previous week. There is also a great article on here somewhere that explains why we stall or gain 3 - 4 lbs when starting a new workout. Apparently it's normal. It was for me anyway.
  • suehj1
    suehj1 Posts: 1 Member
    Just last year my daughter did a get ready for wedding diet and exercise program. The pounds may not have changed much but she did loose a dress size and she looked great in the photos.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Processed meat including deli meats are filled with crap and sodium. Are you tracking your sodium?
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    You mentioned one cheat day a week... are you still logging, and do you know how many "extra" calories you consume on this cheat day?

    3,500 calories is a pound... and its easy to rack those up on a cheat day for me.

    Something to be aware of. If you feel like you need a cheat day every week then maybe youre not making the right food choices on the other days if youre feeling deprived.

    Just some thoughts to consider, I'm no expert. Dont give up!
  • brbell1103
    brbell1103 Posts: 4 Member
    First off, previous poster is right in that you did not lose an inch in your waist from ab work, it is fat loss. There is no pin pointing of weight or fat loss, it is a whole body concept. An inch loss is Good. But, I do understand your frustration.I would look at the bread. Limit it as much as possible. With IBS, carbs are just not tolerated very well and this could be causing a bloat. It may not be full blown gluten intolerance that causes numerous bathroom breaks, but an aggrevation none the less.
    Next I would look at your calorie intake. Play with the numbers. Take them down 100 calories for a week and see what happens. If that doesn't help, take them Up 100 calories. Many times we don't give our bodies enough Good Calories (increase with fruit, veggies or protien, Not sweets) to work with. Everyone is unique and what works for the masses may not work for you.
    And finally, when you say Cheat DAY, I grow concerned. You should have a Cheat MEAL per week. Our bodies do work on averages, over time, so an entire weeks worth of work can Easily be undone in one day. To cheat is okay, but to go Hog Wild for a whole day is not. Good Luck!
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    One inch off your waist is awesome! And ab workouts alone did not cause it to come off. Keep up all the exercise, you are doing great. But don't cut back on protein on off days like one person said. Try going wheat free for one week like some people say and see if it makes the bloating go away. You will never know unless you try. If that doesn't help try going dairy free for a week to see if that helps. Good luck!
  • Mayafairesta
    First, if I were you, I would take measurements and watch for progress there, too. You may be adding muscle while burning fat. Given your medical history and your deadlines, I would go to your doctor and get a referral to a nutritionist who can help you come up with a diet that works, taking into account your medical history.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Be aware that with added exercise expecialy weight you will loose fat and build muscle :) your scale wont show that. Stick with it and make small changes youll get there .

    I'm pretty sure a woman, without the benefit of testosterone and in a calorie deficit is not "building muscle". That would be physiologically impossible.

    Some of the reasons for your lack of progress could be inaccurate logging of food and exercise. Studies show that self reported intake can be underestimated by as much as 40%. Do you have a food scale? Are you weighing a measuring everything?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your loss of an inch is not from ab work, not possible. You have lost an inch of fat. With the small amount you need to lose, that's good progress for 6 weeks. Be patient, keep it up, you are doing well.

    Yup...this is what I was going to say. If you are at a 1 Lb weight loss deficit per week, it can often take some time for the scale to actually catch up to what's going on. As an example, I can fluctuate 2-3 pounds day to day...after just a week or two at 1 lb per week deficit, it is not only possible but highly likely that I'm not going to see those 2 lbs because I can easily fluctuate 2-3 Lbs. It took a good 6 weeks for me when I started to really start noticing significant change on the scale number. Remember, it's actually the inches that matter. The number on the scale is representative of numerous things...fat, muscle, water, waste, etc.

    I would also advise not stressing yourself out too much with "I have to be such and such a weight by such and such a date." It is almost always an exercise in futility because weight loss is simply not a linear event...and really, the closer you get to goal the slower you should be going to preserve lean body mass. To boot, you don't have a lot to lose...when you don't have a lot to lose, your body just sheds it that much slower. Just take it easy...focus on your lifestyle and make this a long term thing...not something that has to happen tomorrow. When you focus on results you rarely see the change...when you focus on change you will always see the results.
  • brbell1103
    brbell1103 Posts: 4 Member
    I love when people get so literal on this statement. That is what this posting was about, since she is losing Inches, but Not Pounds, the muscle weighs more than fat concept comes into play.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You're trying to lose 15 pounds. With that little to lose, you shouldn't expect to lose more than 0.5 pounds per week. Your expectations are unrealistic.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I love when people get so literal on this statement. That is what this posting was about, since she is losing Inches, but Not Pounds, the muscle weighs more than fat concept comes into play.
    No, you don't build muscle on a calorie deficit, especially as a woman, without doing any heavy weight training. So no, it doesn't come into play at all. Water retention, maybe, but not muscle.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I love when people get so literal on this statement. That is what this posting was about, since she is losing Inches, but Not Pounds, the muscle weighs more than fat concept comes into play.

    Well it might if she were gaining muscle mass but she is not likely doing that. Muscle mass doesn't just suddenly appear because you start an exercise program. Ask anyone who has intentionally tried to gain muscle mass. It doesn't happen that easily! At all!
  • TheMrsGlock
    TheMrsGlock Posts: 13 Member
    As a reply to everyone...

    YES i agree with the yoga suggestion! will start trying it tonight :)

    I can also open up my diary, although after reading replies i know exactly what's wrong with it...I'm counting CALORIES but not WHAT i eat...for example i will eat less during the day so i can have a cupcake or something...WRONG IDEA. embarrassing!

    I did not really know that watching what exactly goes in can influence more than calories...i will have to keep a closer eye on my sodium, and try to cut down on gluten and sweets!

    and the cheat day...oh gosh this is awful! i listened to my friend who said that one unlogged, unlimited cheat day a week is good because it throws your body out of its routine...? now that's sounding like a load of bull****. I don't even log my cheat days, and i think i will. and I think you're cheat "days", just a cheat "meal" or two! and I guess i have to stop with the sweet bedtime snack too huh :/

    i feel encouraged reading that some people gained or stayed the same before losing. really helpful!

    looks like i will have to maybe keep the exercise the same, add yoga, and modify my diet to cut out the "cheat day", add fluids, lessen gluten and sodium, and take out those sweets!

    it's hard not being super educated about the body and trying to lose weight! i will keep every suggestion in mind, thank you all for your help.
  • brbell1103
    brbell1103 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm pretty sure a woman, without the benefit of testosterone and in a calorie deficit is not "building muscle". That would be physiologically impossible.

    Really? I find that statement funny.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm pretty sure a woman, without the benefit of testosterone and in a calorie deficit is not "building muscle". That would be physiologically impossible.

    Really? I find that statement funny.

    Glad I could amuse. What would be so funny about it?
  • Destinee704
    Destinee704 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am feeling very discouraged today, as I have been trying to lead a healthy lifestyle since the first of the year and have hardly seen any results. I have a wedding and beach honeymoon to lose this weight for at the end of April, and am feeling like it just isn't going to happen despite my efforts! I am trying so hard not to get upset, but I can feel it so I thought I would post on here for help or at least support.

    Here's some info about me: I am 23 years old, 5'4", and currently weigh 155-ish lbs. My healthy weight for my body type (and my goal) is 140-ish lbs. Currently I have my calories set to 1,310 which was set according to the site's calculators. I got a similar result with that excellent "roadmap" post's site. I currently work out 5 days a week, doing varying intervals on a bike for 30 minutes, along with minimal free weights, crunches, and push ups. Within the past week I have added a workout video called "Strong Body, Fit Body" to my routine, to increase my "body sculpting" part of my workouts. I usually burn about 300 calories every time I work out, and eat those calories back with a little treat (or just extra food), which means I am eating about 1,600/day and burning 300 through working out (so not starving myself).

    For my diet, I am trying to eat a good amount of protein. An example of an average day's food for me is: breakfast: egg and ham on english muffin, lunch: turkey/ham/cheese on wheat toast plus fruit or some celery, dinner: a good sized chicken breast, and then often I will have a "bedtime snack" (I have a crazy sweet tooth) like nesquik, a cookie, etc (basically sweet junk food, but in a controlled amount). I also drink roughly 32oz of water a day. I don't drink soda either (diet OR regular). I give myself one cheat day a week, usually when the fiance and I go out on saturdays since he isn't very concerned about eating anything healthy (and how can i resist when he's shoving pizza in his face right in front of me, a salad or grilled chicken breast looks like crap compared to that!).

    One last note that might help...I have been diagnosed with IBS, and experience bloating a lot, which really messes with my measurements (and self esteem). However, idk if this really matters as I was able to stay around 140-145 with IBS. Also, last july i had a laparoscopy for endometriosis, and at the same time had an apendectomy (had my appendix removed). Since that surgery I have gained roughly 10lbs.

    Anyway, that is enough of me complaining and explaining...again, I feel like i am doing everything i should and i am very discouraged because nothing has really happened. The only result I have seen is I've lost 1 inch off my stomach, but that's from doing ab work so now my abs are a little tighter and I'm a little less bloated all the time. I do feel stronger (went from 1 pushup to 12!), but I don't understand why this increased strength isn't translating to weight loss.

    thanks in advance for your help and support, I really need it :(


    I know the feeling of discouragement when the scale just don't want to budge. I would strongly suggest to watch your carb intake. I know you like bedtime snacks which are sweets, but you may have to scale back on the cookies or nesquik. Replace the sweets with something with not a lot of carbs. You can also view your carb intake on this site which helps me out a lot. Challenge yourself by cutting your carbs in half. Trust me you will see results immediately. Keep up the great workout and try to increase it a few minutes at a time. This will help to burn off extra calories. Stay focused and you are doing great!
  • moparrunner6
    hello you need to hang in there i know cause i am 50 and i waigh 450 lb but im working on losing 200 in just 1 year. im an x truck why im this bad.i have a grandaughter is why i need to lose i can keep up to her.i now am seeing a trainer.he has me on a exercise plan.he is costing me but i feel a lot better about my self .cause he motavates me when im down.i have a daughter .that has been vary secasull on losing lots of waight.if yo need a little add support. i know she would help cause she is going to goto school to become a i think you should look her up she is on face book .her name is jessica bakke.just tell her her dad said he thinks she could be helpfull.i know she helped me a lot before shemoved to denver.and if you want i can help more to im also on facebook you can friend me to im doug you hang in there k i will look for you on myfacebook :happy: :happy:
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    I can also open up my diary, although after reading replies i know exactly what's wrong with it...I'm counting CALORIES but not WHAT i eat...for example i will eat less during the day so i can have a cupcake or something...WRONG IDEA. embarrassing!

    No I think you had the right idea! Calories in vs. calories out is the main factor in weight loss. If you save the calories and want a cupcake, then I don't see the harm in that.