Willpower is your friend...

I have been severely testing my willpower since Friday when I started with MFP. Day 5 and going strong! I have not had any of that never-ending supply of office chocolate. It really is hard.. it's near my desk and every time I walk by I have to remind myself that one little bite size candybar has 40 calories. That's 40 less calories I have for a meal!

I am even reducing my caffeine intake because I use fat free french vanilla creamer which has a lot of calories. Reducing my caffeine intake means I reduce my calorie intake from flavored creamers.

I need to work on my exercise willpower a bit though. My Shred DVD should be in today and I am going to inflate my new stability ball (the old one must have lost the plug a while ago.. oops.) and pilates kit I picked up at good old Walmart.

I WILL do this!!! :wink:
What are your willpower secrets or "tactics"?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    here ya go chicy, I wrote this a long time ago. hope it helps.

  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    There is a never ending supply of chocolate and other goodies at my work as well. Food arriving is a large event and sometimes I feel left out when I'm not taking part. My trick, honestly, is just seeing my co-workers like vultures on a carcass when something new has been brought to the table.. seeing their lack of self control. Some of them "work out" but eat horribly. That's why I'm making progress and they aren't. (I know that kind of sounds mean, and it sometimes puts a bad image in my head of my co-workers. I'm still working on fixing that!) The food table is right in front of my desk, I can almost smell it from my desk! I have to walk past it often and sometimes I give in to one piece or so but only if it's worth it. Homemade sweets are worth it! But I know that if I give it to one piece I usually want more! The more progress I make and the more time I take planing my meals and snacks make my willpower successful! Good luck to you! You will fit in that dress and you'll be beautiful!!!!!!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    here ya go chicy, I wrote this a long time ago. hope it helps.


    You put that into words much better than I could have. When friends have asked me how I did it (when I lost my initial 50 lbs), I just said: You have to reach that point where you say enough is enough and resolve to change, and persevere at it. Until you reach that point, nothing will help you.

    And last week I reached that point again, but I think I've learned a few things since the previous time.

    As for the OP's question, one tactic I employed this weekend while at a baby shower: Instead of munching on the appetizers all afternoon, I had a healthy lunch before I attended, then allowed myself a small slice of my friend's cheesecake. Every bite of that cheesecake was worth the calories, let me tell you. The appetizers? Not so much, so I just didn't even start with "just one taste".
  • mjenkerson
    I'm pretty sure everyone struggles with will power from time to time. Chocolate is my main vice, so I try to use it to my advantage. I reward myself with one small piece of chocolate at night if I have stuck with my meal plan and have done my housework. Sometimes that's all I need to keep myself going.
    I don't know how you feel about Splenda and other artifical sweetners, but they make a Splenda flavors for coffee that is french vanilla and has zero calories. I really like it because I can have my morning coffee guilt free.

    One last thought... When I see other people splurging on the goodies at work or am envious of my husband eating chocolate snack cakes at 10pm without a second thought, I just have to remind myself of where I came from (60 lbs heavier), where I am now (just set a personal record for my 5k run), and that I am doing what is right for me! I constantly update my goals to keep myself motivated. New goal... 1/4 marathon!
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member

    I don't know how you feel about Splenda and other artifical sweetners, but they make a Splenda flavors for coffee that is french vanilla and has zero calories. I really like it because I can have my morning coffee guilt free.
    Hmm.. I used to use splenda all the time then I heard some bad things about it. But, I would really love to have coffee nearly calorie free. I'd still have to use creamer I assume because it's just a flavoring, and not a powder creamer type thing, right?