How do you reward yourself?



  • faster_than_flash
    faster_than_flash Posts: 114 Member
    Being the only guy to post here - my goals are a bit backwards. When I hit certain goals in lifting - I go out to eat =) Something special!
  • roxgrl
    roxgrl Posts: 7 Member
    My goal is to lose 40 lbs, I have 31 more to go. I have a list of rewards and am going to pick from them each 5 lbs I lose depending on my mood that day: New panties (for my 1st 5 last week), book, massage, mani/pedi, makeup, CD/DVD, shoes, perfume, etc..... But when I reach my goal weiight : Lasik on my eyes, so I can see how great I look, LOL>....
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I'm not doing weight loss goals but once I finish 30DS (and 45 miles of walking/running) I'm getting new running shoes. If I sign up and finish the 5k in April my friend keeps bugging me about, I'll have to find another treat for myself.
  • WoWkat
    WoWkat Posts: 48 Member
    Oh Roxgrl - LASIK is SUCH a life changer! What a great tie in to do at your goal weight!

    I have tiny 5lb rewards, like a Redbox rental (we have cable wtih premium channels, and a DVR, so it's not like we're dying for things to watch), or a cheapie Blistex lip balm.

    At 35 pounds though I'm planning a trip to the Nike employee store. LOVE that place, and by the time I've lost 35 pounds, nothing I've bought there previously will fit me anymore. I find that I do WAY better at working out if I feel good about what I'm wearing.
  • lilgemforgets
    When i get to 14lbs i will buy new pair of running leggings (my fav pair are starting to fall down!!) but when i get to my goal weight of 30lbs i will get the extension done to my tattoo - been after it for ages!
  • lilgemforgets
    ohhh I love non-food rewards!!!

    Once I hit my goal weight (about 5lbs to go), mind you I started out at 181 and am at 140 today, I am going to splurge on a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. I've always wanted a pair!!!
    oooh nice!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My rewards will include not getting diabetes or osteoporosis.

    And probably a really cute bathing suit without a "come to Jesus" self-talk in front of the dressing room mirror. :laugh:
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    My rewards MUST be motivating. If it's not going to motivate me to lose more weight or be healthy, it's not a reward.
    Massage is a must... not a reward

    Running shoes (your feet do change as you lose weight)
    new sports bras
    exercise gear
    weighted medicine ball
    weighted bar
    new mats for my exercise room
    new music!!!!!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    When i get to 70 kgs its going to be a small jar of nutella and i'm baking chef chloes chocolate cake.
    I know i shouldn't use food rewards but i love nutella and i like to bake. I will be slicing the cake up and freezing individual portions, so its not like i'm going to pig out.
    When i get to 15 % body fat i'm getting a bikini . .....
    And i will be rocking that next xmas in Oz
  • daydream_believer
    hitting my actual goal is sort of a reward for me in itself.. like confirmation that i have been doing the right thing, so i am 'rewarded' by being super happy week and extra motivated to keep going. lol. im weird.
  • Hershpup
    Hershpup Posts: 22 Member
    Haven't really thought about it but most likely with items I want but are a bit more then I would like to pay, such as the dvd set of season ???? of Such and such show.
  • SophiaGee1
    I haven't really thought about little rewards for myself but it's never too late to start, right? :)

    For every 10 pounds I lose, I could reward myself.

    10 pounds- Special Valentine's Dinner with my love <3
    20 pounds- Treat myself to a new craft project
    30 pounds- Frozen yogurt... :) YUM!
    40 pounds- New purse :)
    50 pounds- Olive Garden <3
    60 pounds- Buy a pair of diamond studs (Oooooo)
    70 pounds- A new pair of running shoes for the Susan Komen Breast Cancer 5K run!!!! Wooohoooo!
    80 pounds- New tattoo
    90 pounds- Shopping for new clothes!
    100 pounds!!!!- Take a trip with my love <3

    Wow! I just motivated myself even more! :)

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  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    For every 25 I lose, I'll buy myself a new dress or top or some clothing item or maybe get a mani-pedi or something. Next May I am planning a Hawaiian cruise, so that will be my big treat to myself - this also keeps me on track knowing that I need to have a good swimsuit body by next May! LOL