Hoping This Will Prove Me Wrong!

Well, this is my rant about being fat. I recently gained about 15 lbs. The weight crept up on me and I kept saying "Oh, I'll work out a bit harder and drop it," but I haven't been able to budge the weight. I eat mostly healthy foods with an occasional splurge on ice cream or a Hershey bar, I ride horseback 3-5 times per week, and I teach dance. I know I need more cardio exercise and to get back to my upper body strength training, but really for a 51 year old woman, I'm in decent shape and that's the problem. Maybe its a leftover body image problem from too many years of dancing, maybe its having to look in those mirrors every day, but I feel awful about how I look now. I tried keeping a food/exercise list on my own, and did pretty well with getting back into serious exercising during January (except the weather was so bad!) but did not lose a single pound in an entire month. The last time I tried talking to a doctor about the weight gain, she pretty much laughed at me and gave me the you're getting older, this is what happens speech. It doesn't help that my "fat pants" are size four, so most people think I should be fine with my weight, but everything is relative, you know? I feel like I should be losing weight if I'm eating healthy and getting more exercise, but the scale won't budge. In fact, since last summer, I've gained five pounds......

So, I'm trying this program to see if I'm wrong about what I'm doing. Maybe I'm fooling myself and I need to eat even less and exercise even more. I'm going back to walking (2 miles per day) and strength training, and will log everything in to this program. If I don't start getting results, maybe somebody on here can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. I know I have to get old, but I don't want to get fat!!!!!! So that's my rant for today, time to get offline and get outside :)


  • jaxxi585
    Hi BalletGirl - just joined here today too - and im looking for a diet/weight loss buddy. Looking to shed 15lbs too.
  • 1BalletGirl
    I'm not really sure how this works and I've never been a "groupie" type person, just hoping that I'm not insane to think that I really should be able to drop the pounds.... I don't want my whole life to have to be about diet and exercise, been there, done that.......
  • JasonP5150
    JasonP5150 Posts: 4 Member
    It not complicated.... It's math, eat less then you burn and you loose weight.. It's just a matter of sticking to it... I would know I have been doing this for 3 days :-)

    I will say having to post that you did not exercise and ate to much in front of your friends here is really uncomfortable I would say having friends in the network is critical.

    BY THE WAY, I only have three friends anyone what to be my buddy?