What am I doing wrong?

Last year I went to a nutritionist that told me all I ever need to do is eat 1200 calories a day, 5 grams of fat at each meal no more than 6 meals a day and 15 grams of carbs at each meal. That was it.

I don't eat anything boxed or packaged. I eat 1200 a day and I juice vegetables and drink smoothies as well as eat lots of beans, tuna and fish. If I eat junk food it consists of frozen yogurt no sugar added or dark chocolate. I have almost no weight loss ever. I started a work out program Jillian MIchaels 30 day shred and gained 10 pounds. This month alone. I used to hire trainers but they worked me out like a man and I vomited after our sessions. I had one that would have me hike straight up a mountain every weekend for 3 months and I didn't lose a pound. I've had my thyroid checked. I've done cardio to the point of being able to run a mile and I go home and gain 2 pounds. My body just refuses to lose weight under any conditions. I've done what the nutritionist told me to do...nothing. I've done the work out programs nothing. I always thought calories in calories burned. I read today the basil metabolic rate for me I should be eating 1900 calories a day just to be at rest for my body. There is just so much crap advise and information out there. I'm so exhausted from being the fat athletic woman with a pretty face. I'd like to just get this last 70 pounds off before I'm 40 years old.

Here are my stats: 5'10 37 years old and today 267 pounds. My highest weight was over 400 pounds. I've been dieting for 15 years. I can't seem to lose another pound if my life depended on it.

I am about 80% vegetarian. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

I don't understand why I've had a plateau that has lasted years and not a few weeks. If you plan on responding I can take tough Q and A but please don't tell me weight loss takes time...I've been at this since I was in my mid twenties. I lost my mother when I was 18 years old. I gained 150 + pounds the first year after her death. I spent my twenties eating myself into oblivion. A nurse at a doctors office told me she couldn't weigh me when I was about 25 or so and that I'd have to go to the kitchens in the hospital because their scale only went up to 375. So I went on a diet and have not stopped. My body has but I have not. I don't know what else to eliminate from my diet.

thanks for reading.


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I would suggest upping your calories....eating back your exercise calories ....drinking lots of water and watching sodium ..........GOOD LUCK
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    How are your sodium levels? My sister was like you, she focused on her sodium intake and has lost forty pounds in three months
  • MrsCassieThreatt
    MrsCassieThreatt Posts: 42 Member
    I only use Kosher salt and its at minimal levels. I'm not much for condiments. I drink 3 camelbak's a day. That is to say about 9 cups of water.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member

    This would be a great place for you to start :)

    I have not had the same challenge as you but I have noticed a difference since following this roadmap :)
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Do you measure everything you eat/drink (with a food scale not measuring cups/spoons)?

    Have you thought about taking a break for a month, eating at maintenance then slowly reducing your calories (mostly just for the purposes of giving yourself a break)?

    I've never lost that much weight so I don't really feel qualified to actually help. A registered dietician might be able to help you...
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Forgive my directness but this is how I am.

    How did the nutritionist determine your caloric requirements? upon what testing did they base this assumption? I'm going to say right now they have no clue.. You are 5'10 and 267 lbs.. You burn MORE THAN 1200 calories while you sleep...in a COMA..Your basic requirements are close to 1900.

    read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/3047-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing Don't get caught up on the 700 calories..the reason you can't lose weight is the same. It is the same for anyone who undereats for an extended period. By this point your metabolism is totally out of whack and it will take some serious effort to get it back to normal. This will probably mean gaining back a little weight..but a little gain in the short term will be the only way that you are going to be able to get out of this.

    The challenge you will have is that your 'real' caloric requirements are going to be lower than they should be so it will take a little bit of tweeking to find out the right balance. Losing weight is not the same for everyone. what works for one person is not going to work for everyone..you need to have a plan that takes your statistics into consideration, height, weight, age, level of activity and not just pull a random number from the air. Read the roadmap http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 apply your stats. I would highly recommend you start researching BMR/TDEE and other important concepts so that you can adjust your plan on your own as needed and you will have a solid foundation not just some random number pulled out of thin air that has nothing to do with anything.