Is the South Beach Diet a good idea?



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    Cause it has the word diet in it.

    A good idea is a permanent lifestyle change. That won't have a name (unless you give it one) and its something you follow for the rest of your life.

    Another good idea is to work your a-- off, train hard and lift heavy. Your body will thank you for doing that and not following anything with the word diet in it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....
    Everyone on here is on a diet. Some just have names.

    I think the point is that everyone is looking for some "quick diet" that is going to magically erase five years of bad eating in a month and that is not going to took five years to get out of shape/fat and it is going to take more than one month to get back in shape and melt off the excess...

    I am not on a diet..I just eat up to my macros, eat in deficit, and lift....what diet is that?
    Hmm, that has no resemblance to the south beach diet. Have you read anything about it?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....
    Everyone on here is on a diet. Some just have names.

    I think the point is that everyone is looking for some "quick diet" that is going to magically erase five years of bad eating in a month and that is not going to took five years to get out of shape/fat and it is going to take more than one month to get back in shape and melt off the excess...

    I am not on a diet..I just eat up to my macros, eat in deficit, and lift....what diet is that?

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Cause it has the word diet in it.

    A good idea is a permanent lifestyle change. That won't have a name (unless you give it one) and its something you follow for the rest of your life.

    Another good idea is to work your a-- off, train hard and lift heavy. Your body will thank you for doing that and not following anything with the word diet in it.
    YOU are on a diet. Everyone here is on a diet. body builders are on a diet....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....
    Everyone on here is on a diet. Some just have names.

    I think the point is that everyone is looking for some "quick diet" that is going to magically erase five years of bad eating in a month and that is not going to took five years to get out of shape/fat and it is going to take more than one month to get back in shape and melt off the excess...

    I am not on a diet..I just eat up to my macros, eat in deficit, and lift....what diet is that?
    Hmm, that has no resemblance to the south beach diet. Have you read anything about it?

    I don't read anything with the word "diet" in it..wast of my time....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....
    Everyone on here is on a diet. Some just have names.

    I think the point is that everyone is looking for some "quick diet" that is going to magically erase five years of bad eating in a month and that is not going to took five years to get out of shape/fat and it is going to take more than one month to get back in shape and melt off the excess...

    I am not on a diet..I just eat up to my macros, eat in deficit, and lift....what diet is that?

    sounds like a diet to me. a calorie counting diet of yore.
    some folks count calories (you)
    some folks count grams of fat.
    some folks count fast carbs (sb)
    some folks count carbs (atkins)
    It's all a diet.
    The key is finding an approach that works for you. IN THE LONG TERM.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....
    Everyone on here is on a diet. Some just have names.

    I think the point is that everyone is looking for some "quick diet" that is going to magically erase five years of bad eating in a month and that is not going to took five years to get out of shape/fat and it is going to take more than one month to get back in shape and melt off the excess...

    I am not on a diet..I just eat up to my macros, eat in deficit, and lift....what diet is that?
    Hmm, that has no resemblance to the south beach diet. Have you read anything about it?

    I don't read anything with the word "diet" in it..wast of my time....
    but you go ahead and post about it. Got it. I won't "waste my time" to read your replies then. cheers!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....

    Actually, most of their crap doesn't fit with the principles of the diet itself: too much sugar, not enough whole grains.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....

    Actually, most of their crap doesn't fit with the principles of the diet itself: too much sugar, not enough whole grains.
    The prepackaged "convenience foods" with the south beach label? I completely agree.
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    I personally lost 60 pounds using the south beach plan, and I love it. I have maintained for over 3 years now and I love all the principle that the books taught me. The first week I lost a lot too, but it slows down and becomes more reasonable after that first phase. encourage your friend! It's a very healthy way of living.
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    I'm thinking that SBD is too carb restrictive for me after trying it for a few days. I have felt sick on it the entire time. I have dropped 5 lbs (pretty much fluid) in trying it, but I've been so sick, weak & had a migraine since Saturday that this morning I had some carbohydrates with breakfast.

    I'm going to try & maybe just modify my eating so that I'm eating only healthy carbs & always with a protein when I eat them. I have to have enough energy to exercise.

    I think if I were you I would just go to phase 2 where you add in one carb and one fruit a day. but still eat lots of veggies.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm thinking that SBD is too carb restrictive for me after trying it for a few days. I have felt sick on it the entire time. I have dropped 5 lbs (pretty much fluid) in trying it, but I've been so sick, weak & had a migraine since Saturday that this morning I had some carbohydrates with breakfast.

    I'm going to try & maybe just modify my eating so that I'm eating only healthy carbs & always with a protein when I eat them. I have to have enough energy to exercise.

    I think if I were you I would just go to phase 2 where you add in one carb and one fruit a day. but still eat lots of veggies.
    Right, in phase 1 you eat tons of vegetables, but in phase two you start by adding some grains (bread etc) and some fruit.
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    I started SB in 2005, weighing 245 lbs. After one year of SB living I was at 170. I did gain back some, but in mine and SB's defense, I had two kids since then, and depression from the loss of my daughter. I wasn't healthy mentally and just didn't care to fuel my body with good foods.

    It does restrict during the first phase.. but for me, I needed that restriction to retrain my body not to constantly pack in the sugar and carbs. By the time I was eating more carbs, I naturally did not crave them. SB saved my life honestly. It has taught me healthy ways to eat. I was a chips and coke gal., since 2004 I naturally limit junk food, and read EVERY label before buying it. ( also taught me how to read labels.) I eat only lean meats, whole grains, low fat dairy... all things sb encourages. I eat like a SB'er still, even here on MFP. Just varies now... some days my log looks like phase 1... some days its like phase 2, other days phase 3. I don't follow strictly now, I don't feel I need it, but THEN... I did. :) Any way of living that you dedicate at least a year to sticks with you, and carries over years later, even when you don't realize it, so choose wisely. Just because it is my idea of healthy living doesn't mean it's everyone's.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    South Beach Diet IS a lifestyle change. Just because the name contains the word "diet" doesn't make it bad. A small bit of research on your part (and a lot less assumption) would've made that clear.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    South Beach Diet IS a lifestyle change. Just because the name contains the word "diet" doesn't make it bad. A small bit of research on your part (and a lot less assumption) would've made that clear.
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member

    Sabine_Stroeh, either you're far too ambitious to guide the lost souls out here on MFP, or you seriously need to consider a new hobby or something.

    Regardless, you're trying to correct stubborness, and all they'll do is drag you down to their level of stupidity and then beat you to death with experience.

    The reason I ultimately didn't go with South Beach and why I ultimately quit Atkins is that behind the root of it all is a sales pitch. "Eat healthy and live healthy and follow these guidelines and OH HEY BY THE WAY buy our stuff!!!" It's at that point that I have to question the "science" and "strategies" and see it as little more than a marketing sales pitch.

    Now, that's not to say people haven't been successful with it - obviously there are three pages of posts (amidst Sabine's desperate cries for attention) where some people have claimed success, either currently or in the past. I actually know someone personally who succeeded on the South Beach Diet.

    Personally, I've realized that I can succeed without guidelines. Well, I say that - I'm letting MFP guide my suggested caloric intakes... But at least it's not trying to sell me anything... ...well, except Nike fuel bands or FitBits or, hmm what's this - something about ""... Anyhoo...

    I think the general consesus (from those who actually have some common sense) is that it can work if you follow the guidelines. The sickness you're feeling by the way is akin to drug withdrawal, and in many instances is a placebo affect. When I dropped carbs on Atkins, I had no adverse side effects. My wife however lasted about 2 days and then ran for the bread bag like a character from "Half Baked". Just know that SBD does not equal "instant success." It'll be just as hard as counting calories on MFP.

    Good luck.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm thinking that SBD is too carb restrictive for me after trying it for a few days. I have felt sick on it the entire time. I have dropped 5 lbs (pretty much fluid) in trying it, but I've been so sick, weak & had a migraine since Saturday that this morning I had some carbohydrates with breakfast.

    I'm going to try & maybe just modify my eating so that I'm eating only healthy carbs & always with a protein when I eat them. I have to have enough energy to exercise.
    too carb restrictive? How so? It's not a low carb diet! What information are you following?

    She probably meant carb restrictive in the sense that during the first 2 weeks potatoes, corn, bread, rice, etc. aren't permitted. I'm currently on SBD & lost 13 lbs. in Phase 1 (that's the 2 week period where the carbs are restricted & you're ridding your body of the things that cause cravings). I'm now in Phase 2 & have been adding back carbs. What I've found is that bread causes me to have cravings, so I tend to only have it on the weekends as a piece of French Toast. I was a huge fan of anything potato, pasta, cookies, cupcakes, chips but what's important is now I no longer have cravings for those things. I choose to have fresh fruit, ff yogurt, kale chips, etc. I've modified how I prepare & cook foods. In other words I've made the commitment to make the SBD way of eating a lifestyle choice & that's precisely why it works for me. If all you want to do is lose weight, pretty much anything will work. SBD isn't something I'll "stop" when I reach my goal weight. It's how I'm choosing to live the rest of my life!
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    In my opinion if it has the word "diet" in it... it isn't good.

    Stick to your cal deficit and watch what you eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet to drop a few (and gain back!)

    ^ this...

    everyone is always trying the chicken diet, or the this diet, or that diet and they lose like 10 pounds and then gain it back. Why? Because they did not make the right lifestyle changes to have long term gains. Eat in a deficit, work out, and watch will lose weight and keep it off...

    The south beach diet just wants you to spend money on all their bars, shakes, and other crap ....

    Actually, most of their crap doesn't fit with the principles of the diet itself: too much sugar, not enough whole grains.

    I've never bought nor have I eaten a SBD product. I follow the principles of the plan. I'm not "dieting"....I'm living & making healthier food choices. And isn't that exactly what you're doing?
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    You really should read the books before you tell people what the "diet" is trying to do to people. Even in the book they recommend only using real whole food, not shakes or bars unless absolutely necessary. I went from knowing nothing about nutrition to being eating only whole grains, completely teaching my children and husband healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle. I highly recommend this "diet" as a tool for teaching clean eating and healthy habits. It's each persons own perogative if they just make it into a fad and aren't changing their lifestyle.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    You know what - I'd always just assumed this was another fad diet ala Adkins that was unsafe/unhealthy/etc because I never felt like it was worth looking into, and thus I was ignorant about it. But thanks to this thread, I did a little research, and turns out that it's a pretty awesome approach to eating!

    The only thing is that it's a brilliant piece of marketing, because it slapped a name on the diet I already do on my own - only good carbs and good fats, etc. Is there anything else about it that makes it "unique"?

    Also, I'd avoid the SBD brand foods for the simple reason that they're all made by Kraft Foods (ie: heavily processed), but overall I'm glad I learned something new today.

    Rock on South Beachers!