Do you believe you can do it? HELP~



  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    It took me years to lose 35 pounds because I kept thinking of it as a diet rather than a life style change. I started to make my healthier ways a life style rather than getting to a number on the scale. It made it a little easier to lose weight. It became more of a routine. I still think about food all the time, but thankfully this time it's healthier food. I still indulge once in a while and have conditioned my brain to get right back into my usual eating habits the very next day. Also, if you want something really bad, you'll find a way to accomplish your goals!
  • thenewkayla08
    thenewkayla08 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks to the OP, this is exactly how I was feeling and exactly what I needed to hear :)

    Keep it up!! :D
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Measure progress in as many ways as you can. Don't just rely on your scale, Take measurements, get a scale that measures body fat %, pay attentions to clothing sizes, etc. I've found that very motivating when the scale doesn't budge, because at least there is some progress. I dropped 4 clothing sizes in about 9 months. My trainer at the gym measured me every month so I could see the shrinkage. I focused on getting to a goal size rather than a goal weight. Those things can help with motivation,