Emotional Eaters

Gather. *opens my arms*

I'm Jade, and I'm an emotional glutton. Since I was a child, my mom has used food when I've been sad, or in pain, as a way to calm me or make me happy. She's regretted it for years. I'm aware that when I feel crappy, I want to eat- and not because it makes me feel better anymore... I do it because it's a punishment.

I feel bad>I did something to deserve feeling bad>punish myself by eating>feel worse.

Screwed up, I'm aware. But... here's the brilliance... I'M AWARE.

Recognizing and admitting a problem is the first step to fixing it.

So- come on in, I'm listening!


  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    I have the same problem! I am upset that I am not losing weight... so what do I do I go and eat pizza, brownies, and carrot cake! ugh it is a never ending terrible cycle!
  • paige2010
    paige2010 Posts: 29 Member
    Come up with a list of other things that make you feel good - and when you're feeling low - consciously go to the list and pick something other than eating. I like taking a relaxing bath, painting my nails, watching a favourite dvd etc, or buying something i like. The punishment thing is tricky, I've felt like that too. There's tended to be situations, or negative people around me confirming those thoughts. Sometimes I make small, easily achievable goals - so that when I've done it I feel better about myself and less likely to feel like punishing. Its better than setting myself up to fail with big goals that are unrealistic that i'll just use to confirm my failures.

  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    paige, I'm getting better at it. Yesterday I was home with my migraine, and wasn't in the fridge all day.

    I filled up my 64oz bottle of water, and drank that, instead.
  • Breathe_Glamour
    Come up with a list of other things that make you feel good - and when you're feeling low - consciously go to the list and pick something other than eating. I like taking a relaxing bath, painting my nails, watching a favourite dvd etc, or buying something i like. The punishment thing is tricky, I've felt like that too. There's tended to be situations, or negative people around me confirming those thoughts. Sometimes I make small, easily achievable goals - so that when I've done it I feel better about myself and less likely to feel like punishing. Its better than setting myself up to fail with big goals that are unrealistic that i'll just use to confirm my failures.


    This is a great idea...I need to create a list for myself - that could come in handy all the time - not just when I feel like eating emotionally.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Congrats on being strong yesterday. its a struggle. I eat when I am bored, so the key is finding something to do. I need to get in the habit of when I am bored, instead of going for the junk, I need to go for some fruits or something of that nature.

    I have plenty of space for fruits and veggies, because I am always under my calorie goal.

    Keep it up, it takes times, but you can do it.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    I am an emotional eater, mainly boredom but can be when I'm feeling down or really happy! I love food, it is one of my passions, I love to cook. When I'm feeling down though I try and remember that eating does not solve my problems. Or if I am going to eat something, I try and make it something healthy. :-) You can limit the damage that way.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    Just thought id pipe in with some thoughts. Im a binge eater. i am not sure if that is the same or partially the same as emotional eating. when i binge eat like that its usually because of some minor emotional thing, not anything big, just maybe feeling bored, not getting enough attention etc, and then it feels "good" to let my control go and binge. wow, reading what i just wrote, i guess i am an emotional eater! i thought binging was different. the other night i binge ate even when i didnt want to!!!!! but once i started its like why stop now i already screwed everything up! half a box of girl scout cookies later im asking myself why , i didnt even want to! i am a recent non smoker and what i learned is each cigarette leads to the next. maybe its the same with food. a little junk leads to a lot. a little letting go of my self control leads to a lot of letting go of my self control....i somehow have to learn to control myself and not give up what i want most for what i want at the moment....or somehow learn to not let a littlebit of indulgence lead to alot. i just plain do not know how to do that!!!!

    im with ya ladies, it sure is a struggle. but we can do it, and each day doesnt have to be a big " i failed" or " i won" like i often see it, maybe its better to look more at the big picture when weve done badly and we might feel less like punishing ourselves further .
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Just thought id pipe in with some thoughts. Im a binge eater. i am not sure if that is the same or partially the same as emotional eating. when i binge eat like that its usually because of some minor emotional thing, not anything big, just maybe feeling bored, not getting enough attention etc, and then it feels "good" to let my control go and binge. wow, reading what i just wrote, i guess i am an emotional eater! i thought binging was different. the other night i binge ate even when i didnt want to!!!!! but once i started its like why stop now i already screwed everything up! half a box of girl scout cookies later im asking myself why , i didnt even want to! i am a recent non smoker and what i learned is each cigarette leads to the next. maybe its the same with food. a little junk leads to a lot. a little letting go of my self control leads to a lot of letting go of my self control....i somehow have to learn to control myself and not give up what i want most for what i want at the moment....or somehow learn to not let a littlebit of indulgence lead to alot. i just plain do not know how to do that!!!!

    im with ya ladies, it sure is a struggle. but we can do it, and each day doesnt have to be a big " i failed" or " i won" like i often see it, maybe its better to look more at the big picture when weve done badly and we might feel less like punishing ourselves further .

    I am the same if I get into really sweet things, I get a sugar high, followed by a sugar low that can only be sorted with another sugar high! Once I am in that cycle it is so hard to stop but I am completely aware it is happening, now I just try to stay away from deserts, although have had a couple this week. :grumble:
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm an Emotional Eater too, only more recently, instead of eating, i've been smoking more and more. One bad thing for another. BUT I literally just quit smoking so i'm hoping I don't go back to eating when i'm feeling stressed.

    *hugs* all round
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Wow, I am a major emotional eater! The one thing I have been trying is a podcast called inside out weight loss. It is awesome...check it out! I tend to eat way to much just because it is there most of the time, but I also eat when sad and happy and bored. Imagine that. I wish you all well!
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    I over eat and easily shove food in my mouth when I am stressed or just plain pissed off,, I have tried to divert myself and just go for a walk,, sometimes it works other times it don't,, the list thing sounds good maybe I will try it... :)~