HELP! Stress fracture in right foot, need suggestions!

Hello everyone!

I am 90-95% sure that I have another stress fracture on my 4th/5th metatarsals in my right foot where I got one a few years ago. For the last 6-7 months I have been working out religiously (at least 5-6 days a week if not twice a day).

I know that the best thing for stress fractures is to let it rest, not bear any weight on the foot, but does anyone have any suggestions for other exercises to do?

I'm just so disappointed, I love the feeling that running gives me in terms of a work out/stress reliever and I finally felt like I was getting pretty good at it. The last time that this happened it was a huge set back of mine, and I just kind of had a mental break down and told myself that maybe I'm just not supposed to be skinny.

Suggestions/support would be much appreciated!!


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Bike. If you can't ride, try stationary or even recumbant. Elliptical I assume would aggravate it. In the off time while it heals you may want to consider strength training. I'm not talking big heavy stuff, but higher reps with lighter weight. It won't do much for cardio but it'll keep those muscles toned and ready to go when you're healed.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Do you have access to a pool? I did water running when I was getting over a running injury.
  • A few years ago, I spent four months on crutches with a broken foot. Aside from the fact that using crutches seemed like a decent exercise (arms and back), I loved swimming. I even got a water-proof cast. Take care!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I don't know where that specifically is in the foot, but if it is in the same place as 'turf toe' is there is a way to wrap it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Go to the doctor and get treated first. They may be able to set you up with some physical theropy and help you out. The biggest thing is going to be rest. Swimming is the best thing for stress fractures...that is what I did in boot camp when I got them. I would swim 1000 meters every day at first and then increase from there.

    But you do need to go and get seen by a doctor. There maybe an underlining reason as to why they keep returning, i.e. it did not heal right the first time.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    I currently have a stress fracture in my left foot (I was two weeks away from running my first half marathon). I have been spinning, swimming, doing some yoga and lifting. So far the only thing that seems to bother it is standing for long periods of time and walking the dog (and walking was ok'd by the doctor). My general rule of thumb is to stop if it starts to bother me but so far, I've been able to stay almost as active as I was before the stress fracture.

    Edited to add the doctor ok'd cycling and swimming as well.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had a stress fracture in my fibula, and could only bike or do seated upper body strength training.

    I opted to just chill for a few weeks and play video games while self-medicating with butterfingers. I gained one whole entire pound that went away (with a few others) as soon as I was cleared to run and lift again.
  • MichaelJM1960
    MichaelJM1960 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a big believer following a doctor's advice. Sounds like you're very tuned into your body. I am not a doctor and I am not recommending you substitute this for something a doctor prescribes; but, I'm comfortable relaying what my friend said she did. A very good running buddy of mine on CalorieCount, suffered a stress fracture to her right foot. You nailed it....her doc kept her off it for two months, with NO activity. It was killing her. In month 3; she used first a tennis ball and then a lacross ball at work...rolling it around SOFTLY under her foot.
  • Thanks everyone, just trying not to get discouraged at this point. Being stubborn, but I kind of really despise the stationary bike.. thinking swimming will be my new best friend. I just really don't want to have a major cardio set back because I've come really far in the last 2 months with my trainer.

    I have an appt. with the doctor tomorrow where hopefully I'll be getting an MRI for a specific diagnosis. Wish me luck!
  • DLongwell
    DLongwell Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I feel your pain; have a stress fracture on my 3rd metatarsal in my right foot. I'm on crutches and in a boot (to protect it i assume) non-weight bearing for 6 full weeks (i'm in my 3rd week - feels like 3rd year!). I have been swimming and deep water running, a little stationary bike/spinning (no standing) and using the machines at my YMCA that have me sitting. I don't enjoy the pool at all but have accepted it as a way to maintain my fitness (I hope) during these tortuous 6 weeks.