new here with question

michele327 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello! I just signed up today. I'd like to lose about 5-10 pounds and tone up. My problem is I HATE HATE HATE exercising. How do you get motivated?? It's 8pm before I am even resting for the day and I don't want to spend it exercising. Any suggestions?



  • Dedo1957
    Dedo1957 Posts: 1
    I exercise in the morning before work, because I would never get to it at the end of the day. Takes some discipline to get out of bed earlier, but it is great to be done first thing in the morning
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member

    You can lose weight simply by dieting, lots of people do. But calories burned in exercise are calories you don't have to reduce through eating and exercise is just plain healthy. It doesn't even have to be that involved. Taking a thirty minute walk three times a week is fairly good exercise. I actually like seeing the extra calories I have earned each day when I log my exercise. But if you absolutely don't have the time or inclination to exercise, you could just lost the 5 -10 pounds by reducing your caloric intake. Good luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I put off weight loss for years because I HATE HATE HATE exercise! I hate how it feels to be active. I hate sweating. I hate feeling the burn... I have NEVER EVER gotten a "runners high". I just hate it! But I have to do it to get the weight off and get healthy. And I have to admit I love how I feel later in the day...

    I too recommend working out right after you get up. If you have something you can use, like a bike, treadmill or elliptical that can help - get up, put on your shoes and get on it! (bike/treadmill/whatever) Get moving for 20 minutes at first - then hit the shower. Build up each do to a little more. If you don't own any equipment buy or rent a kick boxing video! Jump rope, jog in place, do sit-ups - anything to get your heart rate up and breathing hard. If you start sweating that's great!

    Somehow getting gross and sweaty right before you shower anyway makes it easier - plus I tell myself that anything that I do before six am is to early to remember the pain - it's like FREE time LOL!
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Yes-yes... I hear you on this one! Myself, I can't get the weight off by just altering what I eat; I also can't get weight off by just working out. I have to do both.:angry:

    But hey, if this is the way my body wants to operate--fine.:grumble:

    The thing that works for me is to just get my shoes on, then get out on the street, then just start running. After that... Ive already started, might as well finsh it.:wink:

    Get the routine started, make yourself do it.

    I've never regreted a workout--ever.:drinker:
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