Have no idea what im doing!

I have been on here on and off for about 2 years, and remained the same weight which has frustrated me no end - but i think a lot of the problem lies with me having no clue what i am doing!

To give a little insight, im 22 (almost 23), 5ft 4 and 10 stone. I have tried numerous times for numerous months to restrict my calories to under 1200 and lost at most, 1ib. However i can eat as much as i like (including things like chocolate, supernoodles, full fat milk etc) and not gain at all which makes the dieting seem pointless! I have also tried to exercise as well as the healthy eating, and have tried cycling and jogging (not at the same time (with the special sweatpants that are supposed to multiply the effects of the workout) with no effect and got 10 days through the 30 day shred with no noticeable results so gave up frustrated! I really don't know what i am doing right or wrong and would really appreciate any help to loose 1 or 1 stone! I want to be in my prime now so i can maintain it as i get older.

Thanks in advance for any help given!

(Also im not sure if it matters but i am on Iron tablets as prescribed by my doctor)


  • Lower carbs - if you're not losing weight. You could lift too to rebuild your metabolism
  • pooky27
    pooky27 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Stacey!

    You're not eating enough! MFP is a bit misleading for this. When we don't eat enough, our body goes into starvation mode and will stall your weight loss. Also, do you want fat loss, or muscle gain?

    Try healthier food choices, but lots of it! So HEAPS of veggies, and protein to fill you up. Eat big!
    Also, I'm not going to be the only person who suggests the C word... "Crossfit". Its amazing for toning up and losing cm's on your body.

    P.S. Throw out the scales!
  • If she lifts weights she can get away with eating 1200 cals... but the key really is macronutrient management - I lose way more weight @ 1200 if I eat mostly protein vs eating carbs
    Hey Stacey!

    You're not eating enough! MFP is a bit misleading for this. When we don't eat enough, our body goes into starvation mode and will stall your weight loss. Also, do you want fat loss, or muscle gain?

    Try healthier food choices, but lots of it! So HEAPS of veggies, and protein to fill you up. Eat big!
    Also, I'm not going to be the only person who suggests the C word... "Crossfit". Its amazing for toning up and losing cm's on your body.

    P.S. Throw out the scales!
  • Hi Pooky :)

    I want to loose the weight on my tummy, bum, thighs and get rid of this excess fat under my chin (seriously, where the hell did that come from?!) and then once im all done with that, tone up the rest of me! I have tried eating under 1200 and upped it to 1400 but neither worked...do you think i need to go even higher?

    I will look into crossfit...But it sounds hard and scary haha
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    You have a wonderfully defined face already! Why do you want to lose more?
  • That pic was taken 2 years ago Julian ;)

    But thank you
  • Did you read my post? I have lost 17 lbs (9lbs over the past 2 weeks) over the past two months WITHOUT exercise by just eating mostly protein @ around 1200 calories. Before two weeks ago, I fell off the wagon for about a month which is why I havent lost more but if I hadnt I would probably have lost at least 35-40 lb by now.
    Hi Pooky :)

    I want to loose the weight on my tummy, bum, thighs and get rid of this excess fat under my chin (seriously, where the hell did that come from?!) and then once im all done with that, tone up the rest of me! I have tried eating under 1200 and upped it to 1400 but neither worked...do you think i need to go even higher?

    I will look into crossfit...But it sounds hard and scary haha
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    That pic was taken 2 years ago Julian ;)

    But thank you

    Ok! Well have you gained weight since 2 years ago? It's just that you said your weight hasn't changed in 2 years?
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!

    Didn't she post that she tried eating more, but it didn't work?
  • I bet she's eating mostly carbs - if you dont do a ton of exercise its hard to burn off a lot of carbs, even at 1400 calories. Trust me - I used to run 8-13 miles 3x a week on 1200 net calories with mostly carbs and the weightloss stalled after 2 months.
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!

    Didn't she post that she tried eating more, but it didn't work?
  • Did you read my post? I have lost 17 lbs (9lbs over the past 2 weeks) over the past two months WITHOUT exercise by just eating mostly protein @ around 1200 calories. Before two weeks ago, I fell off the wagon for about a month which is why I havent lost more but if I hadnt I would probably have lost at least 35-40 lb by now.

    Im not even sure if i could live without carbs and shamefully im not even sure what foods are/have protein but i guess i could look into it!
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!

    Im pretty sure i did this once and it came out to be 1400 but i have tried sticking to that and didn't notice a difference :(

    Ok! Well have you gained weight since 2 years ago? It's just that you said your weight hasn't changed in 2 years?

    Sorry my bad - pic was taken 2009, so over 3 years ago, and yeah have gained a bit since then! :/
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Read this post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    There's a good reason it's constantly quoted around here. :) Follow it and you will have success.
  • I bet she's eating mostly carbs - if you dont do a ton of exercise its hard to burn off a lot of carbs, even at 1400 calories. Trust me - I used to run 8-13 miles 3x a week on 1200 net calories with mostly carbs and the weightloss stalled after 2 months.
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!

    Didn't she post that she tried eating more, but it didn't work?

    I do eat mostly carbs but only cause i aint got a clue what else to eat! For breakfast i have wholemeal toast, sometimes with jam, or home made pancakes.
    For lunch i mostly have sandwiches (again, usually wholemeal) and for dinner i always have a carb product involved like pasta, rice or mash potato :/
  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds like you need to be a little more patient and give your body time to adjust. You should have stuck it out for the full 30 days of the 30 day shred ... take before and after pics to determine if you had any success. Quitting so soon into the program wasn't a fair assessment if it worked.

    As far as calories, as one poster stated ... MACRONUTRIENTS! Don't just count calories ... but watch your macro numbers. You can eat a lot of healthy foods for around 1,200 calories OR you can eat crap, not feel satisfied and end up in a rut for around 1,200 calories.

    You will hear MANY debates on this tread regarding how many calories you should eat, but the best advice will be to calculate your TDEE and BMR ... adjust your caloric intake according to those numbers.

    Good luck in your weight loss adventures!
  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member

    "I do eat mostly carbs but only cause i aint got a clue what else to eat! For breakfast i have wholemeal toast, sometimes with jam, or home made pancakes.
    For lunch i mostly have sandwiches (again, usually wholemeal) and for dinner i always have a carb product involved like pasta, rice or mash potato :/[/quote]"

    Sounds like you are already coming to an answer ... find more sources of protein. Scrambled eggs or egg whites for breakfast. Grilled chicken or salmon for lunch/dinner. Find a diary from a friend who has had success with balancing their macronutrients and copy what the eat. Many people on here have their diary open for anyone to view.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    You're not logging your food/exercise. Maybe that is it? :/
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I bet she's eating mostly carbs - if you dont do a ton of exercise its hard to burn off a lot of carbs, even at 1400 calories. Trust me - I used to run 8-13 miles 3x a week on 1200 net calories with mostly carbs and the weightloss stalled after 2 months.
    Please calculate your BMR and TDEE and eat based on those numbers. You are not eating enough. I used to eat 1200 calories but I had the same trouble as you. When I upeed my calories to 170 I began to lose consistently and still am. Good luck!

    Didn't she post that she tried eating more, but it didn't work?

    I do eat mostly carbs but only cause i aint got a clue what else to eat! For breakfast i have wholemeal toast, sometimes with jam, or home made pancakes.
    For lunch i mostly have sandwiches (again, usually wholemeal) and for dinner i always have a carb product involved like pasta, rice or mash potato :/

    There ya go. ;) You need to cut the carbs way down and add protein.
  • Ok so my BMR is 1461.4 (Not too sure what this means!?) and my TDEE is 1746 so based on this, what shall i set my calorie intake to?

    Also bookmarked a page on low cal breakfasts and gonna start that tomorrow, along with giving the 30 day shred another go!
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    Try cutting carbs, sugar, and fat and see if that helps.