New! Hi! :D

New & thought I'd introduce me! :-P

I'm 5'4", 142-144lbs, turning 26 on the 18th.
I am hoping to get physically/mentally fit this year ( I have struggled with depression, self-harm, health anxiety, and have horrible self-esteem, and am the Queen of self-deprecation).
I have a goal of 125-127lbs, but am trying to gear my mind toward becoming fit, as opposed to becoming skinny. :))

I'm currently exercising mostly with an elliptical and rowing machine, but am hoping to start training in systema come the Summer.
I'm trying to decide between it, or krav maga, but I don't feel I'm ready for either just yet. :))
(Anyone have experience with either? I'd like to hear about experiences with it. )

So, this seems like enough blah-blah for an intro, I think. :))
And feel free to add me/message me, as one of the mental things I need to work on is social interaction! (I've been horribly reclusive since I was around 16. ):




  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Hi! I also have a birthday this month! 14th! Getting in shape can be great for self esteem! I wish you the best of luck! Add me if you'd like.
  • Feel free to add me... Feb bday also!
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm not sure what struggles you faced in your life regarding self esteem/harm/negative issues, but I hope you find supportive people here on MFP if you do not find any in daily life.

    You did not come across as socially awkward since you did make the post so I congratulate you on the ability to reach out to others without having any clue as to whom will respond back!
  • tamilynn64
    tamilynn64 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Tamilynn and I am basically the same as you are... although I have a long term goal of 80 lbs to shed off this body by the time I turn 50 next year!! I joined myfitnesspal with a girlfriend and I feel that it is helping me. I love how we can track what we and do everyday.

    Well hope to hear from you time to time. and good luck in your weightl loss journey!


    PS you can add me too!!
  • Hi! lol im just starting off too. I've also had a history of self-harm depression blahblah but I'm hoping that this community will help me in moderation. I'm currently 124 lbs and around 5'5. I hope to be able to just keep a steady weightloss...even if it means losing half a pound a week, as long as it's something right? Feel free to add me. I know we both could use some support! :)
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, we have similar stats.

    I'm 5'3 currently 142 with a goal weight of 125, I'm just 10 years older than you :)
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Hi! Feb birthday here, too!