"Diet" Foods

jewelinvic Posts: 332
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so here I am about 7 weeks and 9lbs into this journey. i'm quite happy with my results so far. The things that I have changed are that I walk upstairs now, and I walk about 2.5 K. I have cut out my sugary and salty snacks (to a degree) and I have cut down my portion sizes. I used to eat the same size portion of meals that my 330lb+ husband eats. I have added more fruit and veggies to my diet, and drink 2L of water every day or more.

My question is this; Have many of you switched to "diet food" i.e. low fat, no fat, low sugar, no sugar, etc and so forth. I have read that drinking diet pop actually makes you crave sugar-y drinks and foods. My tracker is public so you all can see what I am doing. If any one has some input I would be more than happy to read it.

Thank you


  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I have eaten low fat, skim, fat free sugar free and such all my life whenever possible. I dont drink sodas, so I cant tell you about the diet craving... I only drink water and lots of it... always have. I actually get headaches if I don't get my water... weird I know. My bf's sister-in-law thinks I overreact to not having my water... but you will come to crave it!

    Good job on the exercise. I have found that unless I go to the gym of have a partner to go walking with, I don't exercise at all.
  • kielita
    kielita Posts: 1
    Cutting out pop all together will make a world of difference! Try the Crystal Light to go packets. You can get the ones that are only like 5 calories and they taste really good! I found some stuff at Costco called Zip Fizz. It's all natural, has all your daily vitamins and it gives you TONS of energy! Just a few suggestions.. but yeah, soda is HORRIBLE and will definitely stunt any weight loss. Good luck! And Keep it up!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Nope. I eat as 'clean' as possible. I don't mind natural sugars and fats (they are nothing to be scared of)...as they are not processed and full of chemicals. Low-fat is okay with dairy, nothing is being substituted-it's another thing with low fat cookies and such-those will have added fake sugars and sodium to enhance the flavor. Just MHO.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    The only "diet" food I eat is Skim milk. Most "diet" foods are full of artificial ingredients so they really aren't good for you, even though they claim to be the healthier option. I find whole foods taste better and are more satisfying.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I eat some low fat items. But you have to read more than just that. Check the nutrition values on the back no matter what it says on the front. I have been hoodwinked for the longest time, not realizing that low fat salad dressings have enough sodium to fill my whole day!

    I definitely do low fat milk though.

    I don't drink soda a lot because it makes me feel bloated from the carbonation. Also - MORE SALT.

    I don't know how food companies cut fat by adding salt, but look out for it.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I eat some low fat items. But you have to read more than just that. Check the nutrition values on the back no matter what it says on the front. I have been hoodwinked for the longest time, not realizing that low fat salad dressings have enough sodium to fill my whole day!

    I definitely do low fat milk though.

    I don't drink soda a lot because it makes me feel bloated from the carbonation. Also - MORE SALT.

    I don't know how food companies cut fat by adding salt, but look out for it.

    it's because salt adds flavour, which foods lose when fat is taken away. Also watch for sugar on those products, it's used the same way.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I don't eat diet food, unless you count low or nonfat dairy products. I eat these because they are lower in saturated fat than their fullfat counterparts and excess saturated fat in the diet has a direct link to high cholesterol levels. I eat regular sugar when I eat it, regular everything really, just in moderation. I am a vegetarian, though so none of my fat/calories come from meat, and I don't like soda so that answers that question. I feel like a lot of people who talk about having trouble getting up to their calorie goal (usually these people's goals are only 1200 too) are having trouble because they rely too heavily on diet foods. I believe in just upping healthy stuff like fruits and veg and cutting back on processed foods and meat (there are plenty of vegetarian protein sources with little or no satuated fat) will allow you to lose weight without relying on diet food. Also if I want cake, I eat a little cake, not a 100 cal pack of oreos because to me, what's the point if it doesn't satisfy my craving? I don't want to obsess about food
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    Nope. I eat as 'clean' as possible. I don't mind natural sugars and fats (they are nothing to be scared of)...as they are not processed and full of chemicals. Low-fat is okay with dairy, nothing is being substituted-it's another thing with low fat cookies and such-those will have added fake sugars and sodium to enhance the flavor. Just MHO.

    Same here - I've said it before and will probably say it again - I would rather shave my own head with a cheese grater then eat fat free sour cream! I also try to stay away from "reduced fat" and "low fat"

    I decided a long time ago that if I was going to eat it I was going to eat the "real" option - just less of it. Sometimes I am able to eat less, sometimes not, and in some cases I have found different alternatives all together - Like sour cream, I switched to plain yogurt!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I honestly think "diet food" is one of the biggest marketing scams ever. I also think it's one of the reasons we have such a huge problem with obesity (not only in America, but over all industrialized countries). I have tried "dieting" eating "low fat," "low cal," "sugar free" crapola-in-a-box before and I failed miserably -- lost 40 pounds and then gained 60 back. Now that I eat real food, this healthy (or at least much healthiER) lifestyle is SO much easier and more satisfying! Notice I said I gained 60 back after that last dieting attempt. That means now that I've lost 62 pounds, I'm officially the lightest (and *by far* the healthiest) I have *ever* been as an adult! Eating real food has been a huge part of my success.

    When choosing foods, I tend to go for minimally processed. When I look at the nutrition labels of "diet" foods vs. "real" foods, I almost always choose the real food. There usually isn't a huge difference in calories and fat (not that you should be afraid of fat, necessarily) and the real food tastes better so it's much more satisfying.

    The one diet food I can't seem to let go of is diet soda. I don't think it makes me crave sweets. I'm well aware of the controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners and I, in no way, think diet soda is health food. :wink: It's just something I like to consume that doesn't necessarily fit in line with how I typically choose my food.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    No fat milk is something I drink and I will occasionally bring a smart one meal to work if I don't have time to make anything otherwise just read the labels and try and stay away from sugary items and lots of sodium. I do actually measure out some foods and do portion control more then anything..
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    Thank you all for your answers. I really do appreciate the insights. I don't drink any pop at all, except for Vodka and soda with lime. And that is not nearly often enough :laugh:

    I eat the 1.5% flavoured yogurt, 1% milk, and low(er) fat sour cream when I have it.

    I am allergic to sodium (it gives me vertigo which last for hours) so cut out as much processed food as possible. I still have my McDonald's once a week or every two weeks (and I do okay with that) But i don't eat canned soups, or Lean Cuisine type things because of the sodium content.

    Again, thanks for all of your insight! :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    No way. I drink some skim milk and fat free plain yogurt, but from what I can tell, those items have just had the fat removed, they haven't replaced the fat with thickeners, sugars, salt, emulsifiers and other stuff like that.

    Otherwise, no. I try to eat as cleanly as possible, meaning that I try to eat whole foods that haven't been processed and packaged and flavored. I would rather do my own mixing/sweetening/salting etc than trust a manufacturer to do it for me. I eat some high calorie things, but I try to go for the real thing and just eat less of it.
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    No way. I drink some skim milk and fat free plain yogurt, but from what I can tell, those items have just had the fat removed, they haven't replaced the fat with thickeners, sugars, salt, emulsifiers and other stuff like that.

    Otherwise, no. I try to eat as cleanly as possible, meaning that I try to eat whole foods that haven't been processed and packaged and flavored. I would rather do my own mixing/sweetening/salting etc than trust a manufacturer to do it for me. I eat some high calorie things, but I try to go for the real thing and just eat less of it.
    What she said :drinker:
  • rikrok
    rikrok Posts: 5
    I do and would recommend avoiding the marketed "diet" foods. Eat natural - fruits, veggies, whole grains. Avoid drinks and foods with high sugar content and watchout for high fructose corn syrup. Eat complex carbs vs. simple carbs whenever possible (eg. whole grain breads and pasta vs. those made from white flour). If you like rice then eat brown rice. Remember everything in moderation. All fats are not created equal. In moderation, mono and polyunsaturated fats are "good" fats. Limit your saturated fats and avoid trans fat altogether.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I find some of the low fat items actually have MORE calories then the regular ones. And some fat is good in a diet. I used to eat things like (a TON) of jelly beans, twizzlers, NIBS ect because they were labled "FAT FREE" yeah well 3 Nibs are 120 cals.. maybe fatfree or low fat but definalty not much of a snack for that many calories.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    First... Read this http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080210183902.htm :noway:
    then... for most dairy I totally go fat free but don't do fat free snacks unless they're naturally fat free (i.e. veggies and fruit). Also I totally avoid the 100 calorie packs because that just leaves me wanting another 100 calorie pack... and I'll justify it and eat it. :ohwell: I've been at this for a while an I totally don't even think about snacks or "diet" food that much any more. (Shut up about the diet red bull habit- I gave up soda, it's next...) any how not sure that helps but hope it gives you some insight. :drinker:
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