Aunty flow! (ladys)

So this week my Aunt Flow has come to stay for around a week ( if you catch my drift)..I was wondering if anyone else experiences this while its there time...

Since monday, Along with cramp etc ( Working out usually helps this) I have had no interest in working out at all. I love the gym this time round i feel sluggish tired and just want to go home n watch tv. I've pushed my way through 2 work outs but yesterday i was so close to just packing up after my first circuit and going home!

Any tips to over come this and get me motivated, I defiantly feel better in the end but getting there is so damn hard!

God i want some chocolate


  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh yeah usually the day before it hits, then day 1, and day 2 I spend under a blanket.... not moving.
  • mtaiken2
    I feel your pain I was like this last month and where I havent been eating alot of red meat (because of all the fat and stuff) I asked a fried of mine that is a nurse and she advised me to increase iron rich foods during that time. She said that sometimes when we aren't getting alot it really effects us then because our body uses more iron. It helped me.. but dont know if it will for everyone. I would advise asking your doctor and see what they say. Most of the time you can just call and speak with the nurse without having to go into the doctors office. Also my chocolate craving go through the roof. I have found eating the 60 calorie jello pudding or the weight watchers 45 calorie chocolate ice cream bars very helpful...:flowerforyou:
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Usally "Aunt Flow" is only around for 3-4 days for me so I usually I'll only miss 2 days of work out. If that.
    JUS DO IT (maybe?) or dont, not if you feel like your body needs to rest :D

    Sorry, I guess that really is no motivation to you. lol.

    So tempting! i was actually trying to save up some cals so on the 14th i can drink wine a eat cheese with my love but fat (excuse the pun hehe) chance of that happening if i an get my *kitten* there!

    maybe i do need to rest! or fuel up for the gym with CHOCOLATE! AHA
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I feel your pain I was like this last month and where I havent been eating alot of red meat (because of all the fat and stuff) I asked a fried of mine that is a nurse and she advised me to increase iron rich foods during that time. She said that sometimes when we aren't getting alot it really effects us then because I body uses more iron. It helped me.. but dont know if it will for everyone. I would advise asking your doctor and see what they say. Most of the time you can just call and speak with the nurse without having to go into the doctors office.

    Thats such a good point! i'm usually i big red meat eater but lately haven't been eating as much because i tend to go for whats on spesh maybe i need a big steak to slap me out of it! glad im not the only one!
  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    If cramps are really the problem i eat bananas like nobodys business and it helps me, a lot of times running makes my cramps worse but lifting helps (idk?) If its the energy/ attitude, i take a vitamin b-complex (all the time not just my TOM) that helps fuel me especially in early morning workouts... otherwise i just have to force myself to go... more workout calories=more chocolate/chips later :wink: good luck:smile:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Day 1 and 2 my energy levels are pretty depleted, so I try to do something low-impact so I don't feel like quitting after 10 minutes.

    And by all means, dark chocolate is an entirely acceptable pre-workout meal if that's what will get you going, go for it.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Yoga helps with my mood and cramps. I typically just try to stay within my cals and not push my body too hard. I'm a cranky mess for at least 3 days.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    If cramps are really the problem i eat bananas like nobodys business and it helps me, a lot of times running makes my cramps worse but lifting helps (idk?) If its the energy/ attitude, i take a vitamin b-complex (all the time not just my TOM) that helps fuel me especially in early morning workouts... otherwise i just have to force myself to go... more workout calories=more chocolate/chips later :wink: good luck:smile:

    Its more just energy attitude and emotional :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: maybe i need to invest in some vitamin B, I have been having a sugar free energy drink (:sick: ) which is so not a good idea, I can feel my heart rate going crazy when i tredmill but its really the only thing that has been getting me going!
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I rarely have cramps, don't hate me!!!!!

    Anyways, TMI but I started today and still went. I ran 2 miles, did 2 hard miles on the elliptical and then did tabata for 24 mins.

    I have learned that as long as you are able, just GO. Keep GOing, your body will get used to it. At least that's what my girlfrinds in H.S. told me who had cramps.
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    since I started exersizing, i find my periods so easy and I still workout as per my normal.
    However, last month, I didn;t have my normal lunches ( I usually have spinach salad 3-4 times a week for lunch at work)
    and I felt less energy to work out..I still did.. but it took more effort on my part.
    Moral of the story! eat Iron rich foods starting a few days before and during for the added boost!
    and a little stash of chocolate to reward yourself afterwards ;)

    Hope that helps!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    First world problems :laugh: :laugh:

    Thats it I'm heading to the shop at lunch! iv tried eating more fruit in the afternoons pre gym hoping to get my sugar levels up too.

    I head to the gym on my way to work and the class timetable there really sucks for things like yoga there only class is at like 8 oclock and at times like these i'm wanting to be in bed then!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    thanks guys this has been really helpful! I have seen a big change in mine since i started eating right and working out. Its amazing how many things it helps. I hardly get cramps anymore ( here and there but nothing to cry about) as a teenager i would get really sick from them take days off work etc etc

    Peppermint tea i heard is a good one for cramps too! and its delish!

    I think your right in the iron department!
  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    If cramps are really the problem i eat bananas like nobodys business and it helps me, a lot of times running makes my cramps worse but lifting helps (idk?) If its the energy/ attitude, i take a vitamin b-complex (all the time not just my TOM) that helps fuel me especially in early morning workouts... otherwise i just have to force myself to go... more workout calories=more chocolate/chips later :wink: good luck:smile:

    Its more just energy attitude and emotional :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: maybe i need to invest in some vitamin B, I have been having a sugar free energy drink (:sick: ) which is so not a good idea, I can feel my heart rate going crazy when i tredmill but its really the only thing that has been getting me going!

    I noticed a pretty big difference when i started taking it but others not so much. I just got the cheap kind so its only $10 for 250 tablets! Since running makes mine worse i usually just walk on the treadmill at max incline with breaks as needed. My endurance is pretty much gone so its a lot of slow downs but i keep pushing as long as i can at a slower pace than normal to get in as much as i can... if you have some weights try some lifting, anything is better than nothing!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    If cramps are really the problem i eat bananas like nobodys business and it helps me, a lot of times running makes my cramps worse but lifting helps (idk?) If its the energy/ attitude, i take a vitamin b-complex (all the time not just my TOM) that helps fuel me especially in early morning workouts... otherwise i just have to force myself to go... more workout calories=more chocolate/chips later :wink: good luck:smile:

    Its more just energy attitude and emotional :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: maybe i need to invest in some vitamin B, I have been having a sugar free energy drink (:sick: ) which is so not a good idea, I can feel my heart rate going crazy when i tredmill but its really the only thing that has been getting me going!

    I noticed a pretty big difference when i started taking it but others not so much. I just got the cheap kind so its only $10 for 250 tablets! Since running makes mine worse i usually just walk on the treadmill at max incline with breaks as needed. My endurance is pretty much gone so its a lot of slow downs but i keep pushing as long as i can at a slower pace than normal to get in as much as i can... if you have some weights try some lifting, anything is better than nothing!

    Yeah that was my thought exactly, Yesterday i just did my weights with a small warm up then a 10min walk on the tredmil, Maybe i should just harden up stop winging and as nike would say JUST DO IT!
  • kitty_764
    How do you guys handle it diet-wise? I'm on my second month of this and as of yesterday I feel I can eat a horse, it's really hard to hold back on the munching. I'm going to assume (and hope) that it goes away after all is said and done.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Sweets sweets sweet! jollys icecream chocolate anything its hard stop myself from pigging out that's for sure