Workput tips

p8ntballa00 Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am well into my diet and workout plan and i was wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to burn some ab fat. I don't need a six pack (But it would be nice) i just want to get a flatter stomach. Can anyone suggest foods (Eat or avoid) and exercise to help with this? Thanks in advance.


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Cardio! Your body chooses where to take the fat from, not us unfortunatly! I wish we could tell it where to take it from!! You could always do an ab workout to build those muscles, but it wil do nothing for the fat. Sorry. I wish, though.
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
  • Thanks. I do tons of cardio. I run a mile before school and bike about 8 miles a day. Any more suggestions? Exercises or the like?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    One well-known saying in the fitness world is "Abs are made in the kitchen."

    The main idea is that most of what you see when it comes to the physiques of fitness models is due to their lifestyle of eating clean, well balanced meals that are low in sodium and additives. Most of the rest of it has to do with burning off the layer of fat that is covering your abdominal muscles (they are under there!). Cardio is going to be the best way to do that. I'm still a ways away from seeing my abs (they show a bit if I hold juuuust the right pose), but I am finding that high intensity interval circuit training seems to be doing the job. I cannot stand long hours of steady-state cardio. I do 20-40 minute circuit workouts where I move very quickly from exercise to exercise and I incorporate a lot of jump rope, tuck jumps, jump lunges, etc. to really get the heart moving.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Thanks. I do tons of cardio. I run a mile before school and bike about 8 miles a day. Any more suggestions? Exercises or the like?

    Be sure you are keeping the intensity very high. Incorporate some high intensity intervals into the running and the biking if you aren't already.

    My personal favorite site for great high intensity circuit workouts that you can do in your own home using minimal equipment is Warning, the workouts on this site are designed by a woman but she's no wuss. My boyfriend does these workouts or ones similar to them with me and he is begging for mercy right along with me by the end of them.
  • jclemens
    jclemens Posts: 7
    When you lose weight, you lose it all over. There is no spot reducing. Just keep losing weight and you'll see those abs appear.
  • What about going vegetarian? I hear that works pretty well. Thoughts on that?
  • dcw8636
    dcw8636 Posts: 9
    Agree. Definitely cardio -- a lot of people think they can lose the weight on their stomach by just doing sit-ups or whatever, but its actually the opposite. the growing abs make your stomach look bigger! so cardio is a definite must!
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