Help...Gastric bypass!!

Im looking for some information twords gastric bypass or more opinions of others whove had expirence with it. Such as how much it might cost, How long is the recovery process, any problems that should be worried about, things like that. I would research it on my own but lately havent had the time and work is restricted to little internet usage.

Mostly your opinions will help and i would greatly appreciate it (:


  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    You are only 19 years old. Have you ever tried to reduce your intake on your own or count calories? MFP is a great place to start. Log your food and stick to your calorie goal. It's so much easier to do it this way, than to risk your health with this unnecessary surgery.

    I'm not a doctor, but I want to do everything I can to urge you not to take this route. There is so much risk for complication, including death.

    To lose weight, you have to eat less or without the surgery. Why not make it easier on yourself and eat less without the surgery?
  • jamiebrain
    jamiebrain Posts: 4 Member
    Only you and your doctor can make the determination if weight loss surgery is right for you, particularly at your age. I'm a lot older, and due to serious medical issues my doctor and I decided it was right for me. It might not have been 10 years ago. But no one can tell you other than your doctor...for or against.

    There are some websites where you can find good info from real people about both the good and the bad. One I recommend is It's a great resource. But whatever you do, make the decision in conjunction with your physician.
  • Jubee31
    Jubee31 Posts: 93 Member
    My sister had gastric --- she told me that most days she wishes she never did it. She's miserable and sick every time she eats and her calorie intake is sooooo low. She's lost quite a bit of weight, but she wishes she had done it "on her own" to avoid the surgery.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Sorry about your sister, Jubee.

    It's true, you are put on a very low cal diet after the surgery (ie under 1000 calories), so of course you are going to lose weight fast.

    If you do it on your own, you can eat ANYTHING as long as you are on a moderate deficit, and stay within a reasonable calorie limit (ie 1400, 1800 calories or 2000, depending on your BMR and TDEE).

    Which scenario sounds better to you?

    Have you done the calculations yet for your BMR and TDEE to find out where you need to be? I never tried counting calories until age 35, so you definitely have a jump start on me!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    And as far as doctors go, many are pushing it on folks that aren't even close to needing it.

    Most of the time, it's a way for the medical industry to make huge profits on a society that has no concept of good nutrition.
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    I know a lot of people who have had one form or the other of weight loss surgery, 99% of them have gained most of their weight back. Please consider it carefully. :flowerforyou: