So confused! Calories, Exercise, Heart Rate... need support!

Hi All,

So I've been lurking around for information and everything just confuses me more. I ran through the MFP profile wizard which told me i should be eating about 1270 calories per day to lose 1 lb a week. I weigh about 162lbs and am 5'3". I work out between 3-5 times a week. During the week I go to the gym during my lunch break. The last two months all i did was cardio for about 40 minutes. I have one of those gadgets that measure your heart rate which tells me I average 140 beats per minute and max it at 172. And on the weekends I do hiking, biking, and or pilates. I just recently (last 2 weeks) changed up my gym session to 20 minutes cardio and weights 3x a week. I eat clean most of the time.

I feel myself sore, but don't much change in inches or lbs. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? How many calories should i be eating? Should i be working out to a certain heart Rate zone?

Many Thanks for your thoughts,



  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    If you're running and doing anything strength, you're going to gain muscle mass and lose body FAT. Muscle is more lean and takes up less space. But you said you're not losing either, I would say like I have MANY MANY TIMES before DO YOUR TDEE. The profile wizard works for some people, but not everyone. Follow this link on here and this guy explains everything. I SWEAR BY IT. (I haven't been so great with following my nutrients this week, so I probably gained a tad or not lost any. But last week I lost 6lbs just by following this.)

    It's long, but take your time and read and follow the directions he says and start here.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you're running and doing anything strength, you're going to gain muscle mass and lose body FAT. Muscle is more lean and takes up less space.

    You won't gain muscle eating at a deficit and will be lucky to even maintain.
  • sarahmarc
    sarahmarc Posts: 31 Member
    Never eat below your bmr! MFP sets calories way too low, the only thing I hate about this site. Work out your tdee as well. Lifting weights and eating protein. I'm 170, 5'5 and losing about 1600 calories a day.... If I stop losing I might eat more NOT less:)

    Good luck....

    Friend me if you're looking for support.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    So are you eating the 1270 cals a day? Are you eating back any exercise cals? How long have you been eating at a deficit? A lot more info would be helpful.
    If you have been at this for a few weeks and have not lost ANY weight, then you are not eating at a calorie deficit. Either not measuring and logging accurately, over estimating calorie burns, or a combination of both.

    Are you estimating calories and having days that you go over? Or do you log everything accurately and stay within goal every day?

    Here's a good link to help you figure your numbers out. You can see how well they compare to MFP.
  • priscilag79
    priscilag79 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all this info. I am definitely reading all the information this member posted. Very helpful!
  • priscilag79
    priscilag79 Posts: 9 Member
    To clarify some of the questions, I have not always eaten back my exercise points. Like I said was very confused. I did lost some weight and inches. I've been at it since mid December and lost quite a bit the first month (9lbs and several inches). But the last month.. .nothing. Which is why i posted this thread. I am taking everyones advice and upping my calories to TDEE (1800) and will try not to go under my BMR (1400). Hopefully I got this right...Its all so confusing!!!

    Thank you everyone! XOXO
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
  • priscilag79
    priscilag79 Posts: 9 Member
    :blushing: :drinker: