Raw vegan recovering from an ED looking to get fit

rawfitbitch Posts: 8
edited January 13 in Introduce Yourself
I have been vegan for 8 months and vegetarian for 4 years before that.

I am recovering from anorexia and a bulimia sub-type.

I'm really trying to get fit and healthy, and eventually get into body building.

I'm looking to connect with others who share my vegan passion or those who are recovering or have recovered from an eating disorder. Mainly inspiration and motivation to get up and get fit :)


  • Hey -

    I totally support RAW! It's truly the only way to go if you want to live life with the verve and tenacity it calls for. I am currently a student of nutrition working closely with ED issues, recovering bulimic myself. Way to be awesome at finding a path that works for you. Rock on!
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