Need a baked oatmeal recipe

peachezncreme Posts: 60 Member
Anyone have a really good recipe for baked oatmeal? I've been craving it, but my problem is before MFP I used to pour maple syrup all over it before I could eat it. So I need a recipe with enough flavour that I won't need syrup.


  • I use a variation of the 101 Cookbooks blog/Supernatural Everyday cookbook recipe, which you can also find on Epicurious here:

    I use 2 eggs instead of one, more vanilla, a LOT more spices (usually throw in a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, cardamom, ginger, etc), and I often add some cocoa or chocolate protein powder for a nice chocolately flavor. Sometimes I add 1/4 c or so ground flaxseed, too.

    I usually don't bother with as many layers as the recipe calls for, just laying bananas, other fruit, dry mix, then liquid. I've heard from a friend of mine that the recipe is especially delicious if you use more banana, and caramelize the bananas in butter, some of the sugar the recipe calls for, and a splash of spiced (or other) rum before layering them in the pan. I haven't tried this myself, but it sounds delish. I've been meaning to make a chocolate-peanut-butter variant, but haven't yet. I personally don't add nuts, but that's just a personal idiosyncrasy.

    ETA that this usually works out to just over 300 calories per serving (1/6th of an 8x8 pan) and 11-14g of protein, depending on the ingredients. I usually just eat it with a splash of milk. It's not overly sweet, but then, it doesn't need to be.

    I like this one a lot. I usually make it for 2 people by doing 2 eggs, 1 1/2 cups oats, 1 cup milk, and 2 tbsp maple syrup. It still cooks about the same length of time though, I suspect if you make the recipe as written you'll need to cook it longer. You could cut the sugar further by using a sugar substitute for the syrup for baking, and then put a little syrup on top if you like when you eat it. I usually do blueberries and vanilla and cinnamon instead of the raspberries, because my partner doesn't eat raspberries.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    This is a recipe I got from a client of mine... very good.

    Mix 1 c. oil, 1.5 cup of white sugar(never tried splenda), and 4 eggs.
    Add 6 cups quick oats, 4 tsp. of baking powder,1 tsp. ground cinnamon, and 2 cups of milk(she used 2%).
    Mix well... if you want, add nuts or chopped fruit at this time.
    Pour into 9X13 pan. Bake 400 degreees for about 40 until done and brown on top.
    Once cooled, cut into squares...I believe she had them calculated at 150 calories per square(I think 1/12 serving). Put in bowl and add milk over it.
  • I've been playing with this idea lately myself :) Here's what I started with:

    2 bananas
    1 c frozen berries
    1 c oats
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    3/4 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 cup walnuts
    1c milk
    1/4 c maple syrup
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 egg
    2 Tbsp melted butter

    Grease 8x8 pan. Cover bottom with a layer of sliced banana. Sprinkle half of berries over banana. Combine oats, baking powder, cinnnamon, and half of walnuts. Spread in pan. Combine wet ingredients and pour into pan. Top with remaining berries and walnuts. Bake 30mins at 375.

    Since the first batch I've been playing with modifications. I've swapped the bananas for a 111g cup of Mott's unsweetened apple sauce (though if you don't want to add any kind of sugar I would definitely keep the banana for sweetness! maybe only use one though as I found two a little much). I prefer too keep the berries and walnuts off the top so I can broil a bit at the end to toast the oats and not burn the add ins. I upped the oats to 1 1/2 cups as I found the portions a little small (I use 4 servings/pan). I've tried using brown sugar in place of the syrup and like it. Haven't tried ditching the butter yet but I think it would be fine.

    I'm loving playing with the combinations! Good luck finding one that suits you!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    ^^ this last recipe looks amazing, ill have to give a try!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    This website is awesome...