Is something wrong with me?

mylittlescreamer Posts: 30
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Wednesday (Tomorrow) is my third week at My Fitness Pal. 1st week I lost a pound. 2nd week I stayed the same weight (142lbs). This morning I checked my weight and it said 143! That’s what i started out with. What am I doing wrong? I’m staying right at 1,200 calories a day, eating Healthy things, & hardly ever going over fat calories. How come I’m weighing more? This is so heartbreaking. I’m trying to loose weight here! I’m gonna weigh myself tomorrow since that will be officially my 3rd week…..but……




  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    Your weight will genreally vary 1 or 2 lbs. Also, if you are not exercising that is going to a part of your issue. Your body might use to taking in the same amount of calories. yes, fat does contribute to it, but if you do not even do cardio you will stay within where you started. I kinda learned that the hard way. Good luck!!! Steph
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    all i can say is keep at it, drink lots of water and make sure to get your exercise in to rev your metabolic rate
  • There is NOTHING wrong with you :) As my very supportive boyfriend says. Rome wasn't built in a day. Let me ask two main questions? Are you eating 5-6 small healthy meals a day? and Have you recently started going to the gym also while also beginning a new diet? (Remember muscle weighs too - the pounds go up, but the inches go down). Don't just weigh yourself in LBS. Take your measurements, keep trying on those "skinny" jeans ;), and weigh yourself in how you FEEL :):)
  • It's all about learning about yourself. It's very tough! I had this same problem and people kept telling me oh well maybe you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. blah blah blah! I called my dad who shares my genetics and asked him what he did to lose all his weight and shared my struggle. He told me, "as much as you hate are going to have to do cardio kid; and a lot of it!" So I started making myself do it. I hated sweating and running. Just felt like I didn't have the energy to stay on there for an hour. So I started changing it up and familiarizing myself with the equiptment, instead of shying away from it. I just got on it, started pushing buttons, figuring it all out. Now I change up my cardio. I'll do 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on a stairmaster, then 20 minutes doing a fast walk or a jog on the treadmill. If it is too much I turn the resistance up or down, still keeping it high enough that it is challenging, but not so easy that I am slacking. I do cardio 5-6 times per week for an hr. each day. Finally I have started losing!!! 8 lbs. in 4 weeks! You have to really want it and be strict with your calorie counter on here and what you choose to put in your mouth. Investigate foods too.....cause some things you might think are healthy......I found out from doing my own investigating.....they aren't as healthy as you might think. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED, (the first 8-12 weeks are the hardest!) TRY INCREASING THAT CARDIO!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    You don't gain weight overnight and you don't lose it that way either. it's only been a few weeks. Focus on your new HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Diets don't work. a "diet" s where you work out like a maniac, or only eat certain foods, or give up certain foods and as soon as its over you do the same thing you did before and gain it all back. DUH. MFP is the basis for a new lifestyle. Setting up healthy habits to keep for LIFE. Reading labels, getting active and holding yourself accountable will keep you fit and happy forever, not just for a month.

    You're doing great. Keep your head high and focus on small goals, not just on the scale. If you are healthy, your body will find its 'happy place' on its own. :-)
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    maybe try lowering your caloric intake and uping your exercise!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    maybe try lowering your caloric intake and uping your exercise!

    NO! NO! NO! You do not want to go under 1200 calories!

    Screamer - How many calories does MFP recommend that you eat? How many calories are you burning each day through exercise? Are you eating those calories? I see every day that it says you completed your day and are under your calories for the day. Honestly, you are probably not giving your body enough food. You HAVE to eat to LOSE! 1200 calories is not a lot for most people!

    Open up your food diary and we'll take a look at it and see if we can make some recommendations. But seriously, whatever you do - DO NOT cut your calories back under 1200.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I posted on your topic on your actual profile but just curious how tall are u?.
  • 5ft 5in.

    and yea i'll open up my food diary. :smile: if that helps
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm suprised no one mentioned this already, but you should weigh yourself at the same time every day. Your body weight fluctuates quite a bit through out the day. I always weigh in first thing in the morning (it's most accurate) and I've found that if I weigh myself later the same day I can weigh 3 or 4 pounds more. that's not because I've gained 3 pounds in a day, but because I have food in my system as well as water I've had throughout the day that's not there first thing in the morning.
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