HELP!! At losing the last bit of bf%

Hi There,

I'm 20 years old and on a 12 week lifestyle challenge. I am currently sitting at 17.2% body fat. I'm 151cm and weigh 49.5kgs.
I work very hard in the gym. I'd say I gym on average 6 times a week, this includes 1 hour cardio and between 45 min to an hour of lifting and plyometric exercises.

My diet is pretty clean. I don't really count my calories, but usually my in take falls at around 1400 calories. I eat a lot of protein and try include some with every meal. I'd say my ratios are about: 45% protein, 35% carbs and 20% fats.
I am eating 5 small meals a day of which my 2 snacks are weight control shakes, they have a lot of protein and are 200 kcals per serving.

My bf% seems to be stuck at 17.2% I know this is quite good, but I am really going for the fitness model look.
Any ideas how to decrease it further??

Thanks :)