Return of the Big Girl (but slightly smaller)

I am returning to MFP after being on here last year under a different screen name the I have completely forgotten and also the password along with it. I love MFP but quite for personal reasons. I have lost about 80lbs and still have some to go as well as ALOT of toning and some major tanning also lol. I have a HUGE feeling that these last lil pounds to my dream weight is going to be my hardest yet but I am determined to do this. I am looking for friends to help inspire me and for me to be able to return the favor!!! I am absolutely crazy and decided that this time around I would help with showing how crazy I am by also keeping up with a daily blog on my page to show people (my new MFP friends) that they arent alone with their struggles. Know I am slight blunt too tho and if you befriend me and start with any negativity I wont be afraid to show you the boot lol. But if you are truthfully looking for a friend to travel this journey with you then sign me up. Everyone here deserves a cheerleader. After all we at least took the first step and said lets do something about this!!!! Blessed Be!