Am I consuming the right amount of calories?



  • TeenTwinkleToes
    TeenTwinkleToes Posts: 119 Member
    See that's my problem. I don't have many appliances just yet. My boyfriend and I live on a boat, and we are rebuilding it. He's re-wiring the entire boat right now, so we are limited on power. And since things aren't finished we don't have places to store. So making protein shakes usually require a blender of some-sort which I don't have. Most of my meals are veggies that I can steam in the microwave, a 'carb' and my main dish is an lean cuisine, amys, or healthy choice entree only. I tried a slim fast, (we are at his folks house right now, they had one in their cupboard, and it tasted like dirt. I try not to consume any sweets unless its my splurge night. Or if I made a healthy dessert or a fiber bar.

    And this happens a lot when I've looked back on my diary. I always thought I look at the calories not the 'net' worth. I think I need to take a nutrition class next semester at my school. I feel so sad. I should know all this.

    Protein can be mixed in a blender bottle (its a plastic shaker cup) with milk or water (trust me, milk is better). Or you can sprinkle it on greek yogurt.

    One question though - why are you focusing on protein - just eat food.

    Read this, it may help re the calorie targets:

    Oh those links are great!!! Thank you!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was thinking protein shakes not for the protein but for the quick calorie intake! Lol blender bottles...hmmm®-Classic-28-ounce/dp/B0018G4ZEW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1360744526&sr=8-1&keywords=blender+bottle

    These are really useful if you want to have an easy way just to mix up protein and milk/water.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    You don't need a fancy electronic machine for protein shakes, unless you're trying to add in ingredients like fuit that needs to be liquidised.

    I use a blender bottle like Sara has linked, or sometimes even a cocktail shaker. Any container that has a lid that you can shake will do.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I'm not sure I'd go by MFP's estimates on calorie expenditure through exercise as everyone is different. I got one of the higher end Polar watches with the strap-on heart monitor and was astounded that my calorie expenditure was *nowhere near* what MFP estimated for the same duration of that activity - I was burning around a third fewer calories than MFP assumed I would be.
  • I'm not sure I'd go by MFP's estimates on calorie expenditure through exercise as everyone is different. I got one of the higher end Polar watches with the strap-on heart monitor and was astounded that my calorie expenditure was *nowhere near* what MFP estimated for the same duration of that activity - I was burning around a third fewer calories than MFP assumed I would be.

    I have found this too, I'm going to try and get a heart monitor as my gym equipment always says I burned less then what MFP says for the same exercise so I se the gyms calculations.