Hellllllllllllllllllp xx



  • Teresaannhunter

    There's your damn problem, lady - you need slapping right into shape!!!

    Weight loss is 90% diet!! no point doing the 10% exercise if the 90% is all f*cked!!!

    firstly, head home and empty your fridge!! all the bad stuff that your gonna feel about eating - throw that *kitten* in the bin!! if you don't youre gonna eat it!!!

    if you eat it out the bin - you maybe beyond help!!!

    so yeah, empty your cupboards and fridge - head the supermarket and fill it with fruit, brown rice and pasta, vegetables and other *kitten* you ALREADY KNOW YOU SHOULD BE EATING!!! this *kitten* ain't rocket science, woman!!

    You need to take control and get your mind right, sort your eating habits and once you stick to it for a few days, you'll be burning all kinds of FAT and looking better and better!!!

    take photo logs to track your progress. dont use the scale - they are unproductive and most importantly WRONG!!!

    Drink water!! tons of it - if you havent been for a wee in the last hour, you aint drinking enough of the stuff!!

    go for it harder than ever from RIGHT NOW becasue in a months time you wish you started being better today...

    Wow. As I read that I could just hear you shouting. Perhaps cut back on the exclamation marks, swearing and capitals?

    OP, you know where you are going wrong, you just need the willpower and motivation. Cut back on the junk food and go with the 'everything in moderation' rule. I find preparing, shopping and planning meals in advance helps.

    Good job on the exercise - keep that up.

    You can do it. :)

    Thanks Lauren, I've had a good day today xx
  • Teresaannhunter
    Well, you're not alone! I'm sure you know that! You can do it! Be patient! One day at a time! And if it doesn't work out one day, don't beat yourself up about it, just move on to the next day and start again.

    I wish I listened to my own advice.

    Good luck to you! Wish you the best.

    I'm not to good at taking my own advise either xx