Snacks that are 29 calories or less



  • Yes...someone else gave me a link to a wesite that helped figure out a good caloric intake for me that is a bit higher, and I will still lose weight. I think I will try to stick to the 1200 MFP allows most days, but on tougher days, allow myself the ability to go to the 1682 that the other site allowed me...and try to dance like an idiot with my daughter once in a while to get some exercise in!
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    It does! Thank you!
    **hint: we don't know who you're talking to unless you hit the "quote" button.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    How many pounds a week are you telling MFP you want to lose? If it's two, try scaling back to 1 1/2. That is still a very respectable weight loss rate and you'll be probably set to 1300 calories a day instead of 1200 possibly as much as 1450 as trying to lose 1/2 pound less adds 250 calories a day but if a 2 pounds a week goal would put you under 1200 MFP will set your daily goal to 1200 so the difference might not be the 250 extra.

    Exercise gets easier as you get more active. Just start with walks since they are low strees/impact/effort and then continue as you feel you could do more.

    The secret is to find something that you like doing actively and then it ceases being exercise. Somehow I caught the running bug, which is good for me as it is also good exercise, you might find you enjoy taking walks on the beach or walking the dog down to the park or playing bocce or something.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    The raw veggies are a great idea, but in order to actually tide you over until dinner you need to add some protien. Maybe a light string cheese or some turkey pepperonis or something like that.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Aside from the suggestions of upping calories (which I agree with) why not just re-arrange some of your planned meals so that you have a bit more calories to play with for your snack?

    Take a teeny bit from breakfast, lunch and dinner and have a more substantial snack.
  • Yesterday I saw someone post on Instagram a picture of 7 cucumber slices that were topped with ranch dip (made with plain greek yogurt and ranch seasoning) and a little ham and that was for 39 calories. It looked pretty good to me!
  • bwallace2012
    bwallace2012 Posts: 37 Member
    don't know the exact number of calories, but a wedge of raw cabbage is my go-to snack. great crunchability, filling, and when you have eaten it, you think you have eaten something.

    1200 is a Target, not a Commandment. chill.

    and hang with MFP! it works!!!
  • Raw baby carrots. Sweet, crunchy, yummy. :)
  • It does! Thank you!
    **hint: we don't know who you're talking to unless you hit the "quote" button.

    Oops! Thank you for the info! Didn't know!
  • Yesterday I saw someone post on Instagram a picture of 7 cucumber slices that were topped with ranch dip (made with plain greek yogurt and ranch seasoning) and a little ham and that was for 39 calories. It looked pretty good to me!

    That sounds yummy! Thanks!
  • pink_ribbon_1
    pink_ribbon_1 Posts: 46 Member
    You're into raw veggie territory at <30 calories. Cukes, pepper strips, celery, radishes. All yummy.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Ok, MFP peeps - (yes, I said peeps)...have my entire day planned menu-wise (and unable to alter it), and will need a snack between lunch and dinner - lunch will be around 1, and dinner won't be until after 8 pm because of my kid's school play. I have 29 calories only left for the day. Any suggestions for 29 calorie snacks that are somewhat edible? I am already having a clemintine (35 pts), but will need something else. It is a long, busy day, and a stretch from 1 to 8 pm without food will be impossible, and the scheduled clementine will not be enough. Thanks in advance for the help!

    you can go over or under your daily allowance by 25 or 50 (or more) and it's not a big deal. you don't have to obsess about meeting the exact number. there is built-in error to the calories reported in your food anyway. for example, even if you log a banana as 105 calories, the reality is it could be as few as 85 or 90 or as many as 115 or 120. you don't really know. so it's sort of pointless to try and find a snack that's exactly 29 calories. so long as you're close to your goal every day, you're fine.

    even if you were over by 25 calories every day, it would take 140 days consecutive days of that overage to result in 1lb of fat.
  • Aside from the suggestions of upping calories (which I agree with) why not just re-arrange some of your planned meals so that you have a bit more calories to play with for your snack?

    Take a teeny bit from breakfast, lunch and dinner and have a more substantial snack.

    I actually just did, just a little, but did. Changed a recipe so I didn't use butter in it for my veggies tonight. Don't have much wiggle room today - not much food in the house and no time to go shopping until tomorrow...but I did think of creating some wiggle room. Thank you!
  • Ok, MFP peeps - (yes, I said peeps)...have my entire day planned menu-wise (and unable to alter it), and will need a snack between lunch and dinner - lunch will be around 1, and dinner won't be until after 8 pm because of my kid's school play. I have 29 calories only left for the day. Any suggestions for 29 calorie snacks that are somewhat edible? I am already having a clemintine (35 pts), but will need something else. It is a long, busy day, and a stretch from 1 to 8 pm without food will be impossible, and the scheduled clementine will not be enough. Thanks in advance for the help!

    you can go over or under your daily allowance by 25 or 50 (or more) and it's not a big deal. you don't have to obsess about meeting the exact number. there is built-in error to the calories reported in your food anyway. for example, even if you log a banana as 105 calories, the reality is it could be as few as 85 or 90 or as many as 115 or 120. you don't really know. so it's sort of pointless to try and find a snack that's exactly 29 calories. so long as you're close to your goal every day, you're fine.

    even if you were over by 25 calories every day, it would take 140 days consecutive days of that overage to result in 1lb of fat.

    Good point! I am a Virgo, and tend to get too serious about things! Thank you!
  • How many pounds a week are you telling MFP you want to lose? If it's two, try scaling back to 1 1/2. That is still a very respectable weight loss rate and you'll be probably set to 1300 calories a day instead of 1200 possibly as much as 1450 as trying to lose 1/2 pound less adds 250 calories a day but if a 2 pounds a week goal would put you under 1200 MFP will set your daily goal to 1200 so the difference might not be the 250 extra.

    Exercise gets easier as you get more active. Just start with walks since they are low strees/impact/effort and then continue as you feel you could do more.

    The secret is to find something that you like doing actively and then it ceases being exercise. Somehow I caught the running bug, which is good for me as it is also good exercise, you might find you enjoy taking walks on the beach or walking the dog down to the park or playing bocce or something.

    I cannot remember what I told MFP I wanted to lose weekly - I will have to check that out - probably 2 lbs....Thanks for the info!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    one oz of grapes in only 19 calories.
  • The raw veggies are a great idea, but in order to actually tide you over until dinner you need to add some protien. Maybe a light string cheese or some turkey pepperonis or something like that.

    I didn't realize about the protein thing - prob gonna go with celery and peanut butter, then, since I have those at home and no time to day to stop anywhere. Gonna stock up on the cheese sticks, tho'...Thanks!
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    Yup...this site said I could take in 1682 calories a day and still lose weight, while MFP says 1200 is my daily target. So I don't feel so bad going a little over here and there until I start working out. (and that 1682 is if I am sitting all day). thank eased my conscious quite a bit!

    Try to find out what you should be eating. If you go too low-cal for a while, you will likely stall at some point and not be able to lose anything. Learned this from experience :(
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    a sugar free fudge pop-35 calories, 1/2 of a grapefruit not too much more,piece of turkey rolled in lettuce,Cucumbers are pretty low calorie