ate nearly half my daily calories at breakfast



  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    i have to eat breakfast cause if i dont ill feel like im going to pass out when im working out, im shooting between 1200-1400 calories a day so i dont eat a whole heck of a lot but then again i dont need it either, my breakfast is my worst/best meal of the day its usually some oatmeal, nut butter and some fruit yum so sweet and awesome the rest of the days i try for veggies and some protein
    do some zumba i love it and it burns hella calories
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Go run. Then eat more.
  • Looks like your either going to be hungry all day or you'll end up failing for the day. Try again tomorrow and move on with your life.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I find a big breakfast fills me up for most of the day. If you have the same experience, then eating a big breakfast shouldn't be a problem! Have a little snack at lunch and a normal sized dinner and you'll be fine!
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    MMMMMM I could eat breakfast all day! Love them! I agree that everyone has their own things that work for them. I used to eat a tiny breakfast, a tiny snack, and a small lunch just so I could PIG OUT at supper. It didn't work because I would go to sleep after and it would sit there! Now I do the opposite. Medium breakfast, tiny snack, medium lunch, very small snack, workout, medium dinner... this is working. I agree with the "work it off" people before... : )

    My mom used to say, it is in there and that is all you do. Deal with it or not, but it is already in there!
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    On the days I have a big breakfast (like my trip last weekend to Cracker Barrel), I usually come home and sleep most of the day away, so by the time I wake up to eat again and/or workout, it's already like 4pm, so I don't really stress much. On days when I indulge in a big breakfast like that, it's usually around 10/11am anyway-so it's easy to come home and sleep most of the day away. You could try a protein shake later on to help satiate you without the excessive calories--as well as lots of fruits and veggies. Just try to monitor your intake the rest of the day, but if you go over, you go over. It happens to all of us; just gotta jump back on the wagon the next couple of days.
  • I say to each there own.... I used to never eat breakfast - wasn't hungry in the morning... now I am starving in the morning because I am not snacking on all the junk food at night. Now you know if you want to eat more than the calories that you have left.... you have to go work out :-)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Don't feel bad I demolished an 1250 calories breakfast, I just have to add cardio to my workout later :)
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Lots of time to burn them off then!
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    Normally I work out for a few hundred calories a day, but I have a kid home sick today so my workout got postponed, and now I'm not feeling too great. Cold-ish. I have 30ds and a Leslie Sansone here, I will try to do one later --

    what did I eat?

    Baby spinach and sardines (which is kind of a go to breakfast for me)

    but also


    and then also
    three Russell Stover candies. Darn going to Rite Aid to get meds for my sick child. Sigh!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I ALWAYS eat half my allotted calories at breakfast! After my workout, I eat a BIG meal for breakfast. Works GREAT for revving up metabolism! that's the time when you are SUPPOSED to be putting IN the calories! Not an oops . . .your body is telling you what to do. You finally got it.

    Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day.
    If eating breakfast works for you, then yes, eat it.
    But don't force yourself to eat breakfast just because "it's the most important meal of the day" - there are plenty of successful people who wake up in the morning but don't eat til 2pm or so. And there are plenty of successful people who eat breakfast.

    If you've got a lower calorie goal & eat your exercise calories back, don't worry. Just workout real hard today and go on with your life. You made a mistake, no big deal. Don't throw away today because of it, make your next decision count. Maybe eat a salad for lunch instead of a burger (just an example lol)

    Also, you don't seem that worried lol

    Minor comment/correction...

    It is the most important meal of the day as it sets the metabolic tragectory for the day. Priming your body with good proteins and some good LGI carbs is a beautiful thing! Your body, over time, sets its thermostat based on the regularity and quality of wood that you throw on the fire (food/fuel). However, that being said, yes, there are many, many fit people who don't dig breakfast and are doing just fine.

    There are many paths to fitness.

    Good luck!

    This is a myth breakfast does nothing to your metabolism. Eating in the morning or the evening or whenever doesn't affect your metabolism whatsoever. In fact, its probably better from an athletic performance standpoint to eat your biggest meal in the evening so your body gets a nice stream of protein during your nightly fast, but from purely metabolic standpoint there is no difference.