Can you really have too much fiber? Protein?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I heard that if you have too much protein, you will dehydrate much more quickly than you would normally.

  • Gjallarhorn
    if it hurts and it's too easy to go, too much fiber, increase protein or decrease the all bran.

    if it hurts and it's too hard to go, stop downing chicken and pick up a bran muffin... or something IIFYM

    If it doesnt hurt and you're not having issues, don't try to change too much.

    Anything else, consult physician.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I heard that if you have too much protein, you will dehydrate much more quickly than you would normally.

    Hmmm, I've never heard that before, but I suppose it's possible. I'm always drinking SOMETHING (and peeing too, haha!) My doctor told me to drink EAS Advantedge soy protein shakes (the lean powder kind) to keep me fuller/longer. I have 2 of those a day at 20g protein each. Plus any meats/dairy/nuts I might consume on top of that. Been at this for two months, and feel great. If I don't intend to exercise, I only drink one.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi, 14 grams of fiber is low. 25 grams/day is the recommended amount.i don't think you can eat too much fiber unless you get gas or diarrhea. Fiber is a good thing. You should just focus on the calories.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'd be more concerned about going over on fat and where your fat is coming from, if it's coming from nuts or vegetables I wouldn't be too worried since it's healthy fat, if it's coming from dairy it's saturated fat which isn't good for you. I don't think you can go over on protein, you just won't use what you take in but you could be lacking other nutrients. I assume they are only wanting you to hit 20-30g of fiber which is good. Yes you can eat too much, but I'm talking like 80g of fiber, it won't hurt you, you'll just have diarrhea.

    I'd rec getting off fiber one and getting fiber from whole foods. Fiber one is for old constipated people

    You might want to reconsider your stance on saturated and dairy fats.

    If the majority of your fat is coming from saturated sources it's not good for you, especially if you are eating too much fat.

    The Recommendation
    Diets high in saturated fat have been linked to chronic disease, specifically, coronary heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 recommend consuming less than 10% of daily calories as saturated fat.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'd be more concerned about going over on fat and where your fat is coming from, if it's coming from nuts or vegetables I wouldn't be too worried since it's healthy fat, if it's coming from dairy it's saturated fat which isn't good for you. I don't think you can go over on protein, you just won't use what you take in but you could be lacking other nutrients. I assume they are only wanting you to hit 20-30g of fiber which is good. Yes you can eat too much, but I'm talking like 80g of fiber, it won't hurt you, you'll just have diarrhea.

    I'd rec getting off fiber one and getting fiber from whole foods. Fiber one is for old constipated people

    You might want to reconsider your stance on saturated and dairy fats.

    If the majority of your fat is coming from saturated sources it's not good for you, especially if you are eating too much fat.

    The Recommendation
    Diets high in saturated fat have been linked to chronic disease, specifically, coronary heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 recommend consuming less than 10% of daily calories as saturated fat.

    You might want to do a little more research. 2005 is old news. Do whatever you want- I'm not trying to convince you of anything except to broaden your research and look critically at where those recommendations came from.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'd be more concerned about going over on fat and where your fat is coming from, if it's coming from nuts or vegetables I wouldn't be too worried since it's healthy fat, if it's coming from dairy it's saturated fat which isn't good for you. I don't think you can go over on protein, you just won't use what you take in but you could be lacking other nutrients. I assume they are only wanting you to hit 20-30g of fiber which is good. Yes you can eat too much, but I'm talking like 80g of fiber, it won't hurt you, you'll just have diarrhea.

    I'd rec getting off fiber one and getting fiber from whole foods. Fiber one is for old constipated people

    You might want to reconsider your stance on saturated and dairy fats.

    If the majority of your fat is coming from saturated sources it's not good for you, especially if you are eating too much fat.

    The Recommendation
    Diets high in saturated fat have been linked to chronic disease, specifically, coronary he art disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 recommend consuming less than 10% of daily calories as saturated fat.

    You might want to do a little more research. 2005 is old news. Do whatever you want- I'm not trying to convince you of anything except to broaden your research and look critically at where those recommendations came from.

    if you look hard enough you'll always find research that contradicts other research findings, just something to think about.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    if it hurts and it's too easy to go, too much fiber, increase protein or decrease the all bran.

    if it hurts and it's too hard to go, stop downing chicken and pick up a bran muffin... or something IIFYM

    If it doesnt hurt and you're not having issues, don't try to change too much.

    Anything else, consult physician.

    Chicken really?
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    or protein in general
  • mamiejay
    mamiejay Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input.
    Can someone tell me how to reset the max on the fiber? All I see on my settings that I can change is just whether I see the different nutritional elements. I don't see anything that shows me how to actually change the number.

    I still think they should maybe change some of the "overage" numbers to a different color, like blue or something, and leave the alarming red for the really bad stuff, calories, sodium, etc.
  • Gjallarhorn
    Chicken really?

    You know what I meant, stop asking mindless rhetorical questions invalidating the point.
  • mamiejay
    mamiejay Posts: 10 Member
    I figured it out - it's under "goals" not settings.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Thank you fro this topic! I have been over my fiber intake for the past couple of weeks and I have wondered if it will interfere in my weight loss. Since I eat most of my daily fiber intake in my breakfast alone, I was wondering if this is a bad thing and will it compromise my weight loss at a longer run?

    Best wishes to you all :smile:
  • mamiejay
    mamiejay Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there - that's exactly why I think they ought to change it so it does not show as a red, scary "overage!"
    I changed mine in my "goals" settings to 30. I still go over that sometimes too.

    But anyway yeah I think having a lot of fiber generally only HELPS with the weight loss, and would never hurt it! on "Weight Watchers" they are always pushing fiber, fiber fiber, because it's good for you and makes you feel fuller without eating as much.
    Good luck!