Hoping for some help with getting my act together.

It's been a rough four months. First I was planning a wedding. Then came the holidays. And finally, from the beginning of the year until, well, now, I've taken night shifts at the hospital with my father. My Dad's doing pretty good now, but I've kind of crashed and burned with my whole fitness routine.

Admittedly, even back into last summer, I wasn't doing what I was supposed to. Enough with true confessions though, what I'm wondering is how do I get back in the game? I'm not a beginner. But I'm not in shape. I'm thinking I need to do this in stages, kind of build myself up into a full blown program. I want to be reasonable, but I also want to push myself too.

Does anyone have examples of routines for low level intermediates? Or thoughts on duration of workout while getting started? I'm kind of at a loss. Should I just go ahead and start with a trainer? I was actually trying to build a little stamina before I started up with a trainer. I have a home gym with a treadmill, elliptical, free weights, and a basic bowflex. Plus there's always the stuff I can do in the great outdoors. I know I don't even need equipment to get a workout. I just don't know what I should expect of myself, what's reasonable, and when and how much I should push. Thoughts?


  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    Bumped for one more try at a response. Maybe my question is to general?
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    Do you need the trainer to push you? Because it sounds like you have all the tools you need in your home. You just need to block the time to do it. Have you ever tried Jillian michaels 30 day shred?
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Well, what do you like to do? Many of us can recommend what we like but it really boils down to what you like, what you want to work on (strength, building endurance....), your goals....
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Pick whatever sounds fun to you. Do it as long and hard as you can. When you can't do it anymore, do it for one more minute. Then, dial back the intensity and keep doing it. Aim for at least 30 minutes, but don't hold back after you get warmed up. After that first time, just keep trying to get better, go hard, last longer. Change machines, since you have options, if you get bored. Don't stop. Exercise some way every day. Eat better foods and at your calorie goal.

    That's it.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I started off just going for walks. I started at 1.5 miles and worked my way up to 4 miles....the weight started falling off ( with logging food...changing some eating habits etc)..but walking is what I did for the most part. I then started feeling so much better I started doing other stuff. I lift ( light) on a small home gym...do zumba 1 night a week , walk when the weather is nice, etc. The better I feel ..the more I WANT to exercise and believe me that is not something I EVER thought I would hear myself say or see myself type
  • lovelylittlegiggles
    How about Leslie Sansone? A walk-at-home program that really works. I love it! She also incorporates upper, abs, and lower body workout. Perfect for beginners. Perfect for everyone. YOu can get her DVD's at Walmart. If you don't want to buy you can check her out on Youtube. There is a video with a complete 5 mile walk!
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    You have everything at home!!! That"s great. You are lucky. Stick with MFP and yep a trainer just might help you at your home and even if you have to go to one. Sounds like your on a excellent start:smokin:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    See if there is a gym at the hospital they will let you use...
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    Personally I would start with walking.....most people can do it, regardless of their fitness levels....if you start out too 'hard' you will give up....I have been walking for years so my body is very used to it, doesnt do a whole lot for me fitness wise, tho I know its better than nothing.....and I still have days where I just walk...however, start with walking. at least 30 minutes a day....figure out how are you go on the 1st couple of days....then work to increase that....then add some weights, and things like push ups, jumping jacks, crunches squats...doesnt have to be 'shred' level stuff......30 day shred not easy for beginners, but if you want to push yourself, try that.....I am a firm believe that exercise has got to become a part of your life, but that doesnt mean you have to feel like you have to do insanity workouts the rest of your life. Just like our food, it has to be something that becomes a lifestyle.....8 mos ago I walked on the treadmill....now I do spinning and major 'circuit' type workouts 5 days a week (spin 2, circuit (cardio/weights quickly for an hour) 3 days a week) On days when I absolutely dont want to do my 'hard' workout, I will walk.....my eating is the problem for me....exercise is easy for me now.....not the insanity type workouts, those scare the crap out of me...but maybe someday I will wanna try that......baby steps.....
  • jjlimotte05
    jjlimotte05 Posts: 21 Member
    it all starts with what you eat...start by making small changes to eating habits; main meals with small snacks in btwn. once you reach the goal of eating more frequently, start making better choices; then add exercise once you've got a handle on the food intake. Don't buy into the mind set of "well, I worked out today, so I can eat this...(crap food)" . that was one of my biggest mistakes! and make sure you don't get infatuated with the number on the scale, instead pay more attention to how your body is changing, muscles growing, clothes fitting better, stamina and strength, etc... and if your goals are heath related (know your numbers!) monitor those changes too. Good luck! you've already made your mind up to do something, that's half the battle! :smile:
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I have a home gym with a treadmill, elliptical, free weights, and a basic bowflex.

    I would start there and build up to a trainer if that is what you really want to do. Maybe start slow at a reasonable goal. Like work out for 10 minutes (or whatever you want to start at) and keep adding 5-10 more minutes onto those.

    Zumba is really fun if you like to dance.

    I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred which includes weights.

    Walking helps and would probably benefit you since it would let out more emotions?
  • DaddyCrossfit
    DaddyCrossfit Posts: 35 Member
    Since you're obviously having motivation problems, I would start out slow so you don't burn yourself out right away. Maybe 20 minute workouts (plus a 5 minute warmup) twice a week. Try that for a week or 2 or 3 and then either add a 3rd day or lengthen to 30-40 minutes. Hopefully, you'll get in the groove and excited about working out again by then and you can up it to whatever you like. Here's a couple of 20 minute workouts I do when I'm short on time:

    30 seconds on each exercise, as many reps as possible, no rest between exercises, 4 rounds, for a total of 20 minutes

    jump rope
    jump rope
    air squats
    jump rope
    jump rope
    jump rope


    jump rope
    mountain climbers
    jump rope
    jump rope
    plank jacks
    jump rope
    jump rope

    You can substitute any of them with whatever you like, really. As long as you're pushing yourself. Use the jump rope time for rest if you need it at first. You could eventually add 10-20 minutes of treadmill to the end of this to make it a real sweater! Don't waste all that lovely equipment....get going! Change it up, create your own routines, it's fun! And, hey, don't rely on a trainer for motivation. Do you want this or not?
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    I've got Jillian's. I'm gonna try that as well as a few other things. Thanks for your thoughts.
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    You guys gave me some great suggestions, thanks to all of you! I think what I was looking for was there, in part, in each response. I get too focused on how I'm doing it rather than the fact that I'm doing it at all. And I think that's the point. And I guess it's one of those things that is too individualized for anyone to answer.

    I think my biggest fear was trying to do too much too soon and hurting myself.

    My plan is to begin adding some kind of cardio today in the evenings in addition to the 30 mins of yoga I started yesterday in the mornings. I'm going to do that for the rest of this week while I'm still resting up from all the lack of sleep (I swear I wonder if I'll ever feel rested again). But that stuff should be enough for me contact my trainer by say, the middle of next week, to set up a routine. I do the work on my own. But I'm accountable to her. We train together a couple of times a month just to make sure I'm on the right track. Besides, I don't really need anyone to be accountable to. When life gives me a shot, you can usually find me in the gym. :) I really *want* to be healthy!

    Thanks again to all of you!