Anyone else not got much to lose? eg 10lb



  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I have 15 lbs to go and I am losing about 1/2-1lb a week.

    I am also building muscle too though.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I have a small figure, I'm 5'3" also.. It seems like any small amount of fat makes a difference. It sucks! I'm trying to lose this pesky baby belly fat.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I want to lose about 10 more. Feel free to add me if ya want. :)
    I'm 5'6"
    CW: 131-132
    GW: 120
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152 Member
    I have a small figure, I'm 5'3" also.. It seems like any small amount of fat makes a difference. It sucks! I'm trying to lose this pesky baby belly fat.

    I agress that a small amout makes a difference, or at least it should! I have lost 6lb so far, I feel this is mostly Fat because there cant be much water weight in this as it is over 6 weeks.. But cants see a huge difference just that i look less bloated...
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    With so little to lose, it might be hard to attain a one pound a week loss. Don't be surprised if the scale doesn't move or you become ravenous. Your body likes to keep a little extra fat on hand.

    I set my goal to half a pound a week.
  • The last 5 pounds are killing me. I'm so close to my goal weight, but I have been for months. I swear they are stuck somewhere in my intestines and are hanging on for dear life. I've been trying to eat crazy good (LOTS of veggies and fruits, only good fats, few carbs, etc.) for the last little while, and have seen a bit of a difference. Patience is key. We are a society of instant gratification, so this is hard.

    Hang in there. Lots of people are in your shoes. Together we can all hit our goals and be happy, healthy awesome versions of our previous selves.
  • I'm trying to lose about 7 lbs before my wedding in March and it's been a constant struggle trying to exercise and eat right but haven't seen anything, in fact I've been gaining weight. That's why I joined this, just to keep myself accountable for what I eat and the exercise I do each day. I'm hoping to lose 1lb a week and think that is very reasonable and healthy so long as you're eating enough calories.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Yes, am in your same category, feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    Every pound of the weight i need to lose is in my tummy.....bust line is good (36C) , pants size good, dresses look nice.

    So am working on losing 5 pounds b4 summertime.

    Good Luck!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am 5.2 ft and i have my last 5 lbs to lose. It has been months of no real loss! just the same 3-4 lbs up and down.. i am set for 0.5 lb loss and can't even get that off a month :( i didn't have a huge amount to lose in the beginning ( about 20) and it has been a super long slow road.. 1 full year to hit that 20 lb mark... * sigh*.... not sure how to get this last 5 lbs off and the last inch or two....
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I've got around 8 1/2 more pounds to lose :)
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I'm right there too.
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152 Member
    i am 5.2 ft and i have my last 5 lbs to lose. It has been months of no real loss! just the same 3-4 lbs up and down.. i am set for 0.5 lb loss and can't even get that off a month :( i didn't have a huge amount to lose in the beginning ( about 20) and it has been a super long slow road.. 1 full year to hit that 20 lb mark... * sigh*.... not sure how to get this last 5 lbs off and the last inch or two....

    Apparently lifting can be good... try to mix it up? I feel your pain...
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i try, i only have up to 10 lb at home which is still a bit heavy for me for some exercises. lifting is aprat of all dvd's that i do, so i use weights every week.