
I think I have figured out why I am not losing weight and possibly why I have even gained in the first place. I have PCOS. Could this be why I am having such a hard time losing?? I seriously work my butt off in the gym everyday!!!! I am always the one who is soaked in sweat when other people are barely doing anything. I am always the one to make healthy choices when I eat while my friends eat cookies and crap. It's not fair. Anyone else have PCOS?? I am just so frustrated!!!!!!!! :(


  • AmberMcDowell
    I have pcos and yes, losing weight is 10x harder with pcos than regular women. I have been killing myself and havent lost a pound. And I am even on 2000mg of Metformin......
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I have it and it isn't fun!! It makes it harder, but not impossible to lose. So there is hope. If you think you have it, get to your doc and have the blood tests done that are needed to tell (hormone levels, and glucose tolerance test) since it's also linked to Type 2 Diabetes in women. Cut your sugars if you haven't done so, that also helps. My body does much better when I cut my carbs. Good luck!! Keep up the good work, it is possible to lose! :flowerforyou:
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    It is really hard and slow to take off the weight with PCOS and can get really frustrating. I think every pound lost is just that more precious. What I have noticed is that I will bounce around in a 5 lb area for a while, moving up and down on the scale. Then I will suddenly drop into the next 5 lb block. That while can be up to 2 months. There's a lot of us out here with you, sister, don't give up!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I have PCOS & T2 diabetes (double whammy in weight loss department) and don't think I've had much trouble losing weight. Or at least, I refuse to let it. I also have thyroid problems. PCOS, T2 diabetes, and thyroid issues (all complicators of weight loss) can kiss my steadily shrinking fanny!
  • BetterVersion
    I have PCOS as well and though it is very easy for me to lose weight it is also very easy for me to gain insane amounts of weight very quickly. One of the big issues with weight gain and PCOS tends to be abdominal fat. Though I'm losing weight like crazy it's coming off my midsection much more slowly. It sucks and it's one of those things that varies greatly from woman to woman, but all of us dealing with it knows how very frustrating it can be. Keep doing what you're doing. It might take a little extra time and devotion but you can get the results you're hoping for if you stick with it. Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have PCOS. I bought into a lot of what the doctors (and other people) had told me about it making it harder to lose weight. I tried all the "special" diets that I was told would make it easier (low carb, no carb, etc) and honestly... just eating clean, making good choices, cutting out sodas (even diet) and exercising works.
    Last year I started this in March and within a week got my first menstrual cycle. I got sidetracked a few months later... but came back here in February... and again, within a week started TOM. Both of these times were after having gone months without one. I don't think it's a coincidence!

    I do more than simply count calories... I really make an effort to make good choices... lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean meats and proteins. In my opinion refrigerators should have more produce drawers... the 2 tiny drawers in my refrigerator are not nearly enough!

    I would not say that losing weight is "easy" for me... there are weeks when I lose a couple pounds and then I may go 2 weeks without losing a thing. But I will say that this is the easiest thing I have ever done to lose weight... and I FEEL fantastic! Not just physically... but mentally and emotionally as well.

    You can do this! Don't buy into the hype... keep eating well, exercising and drinking lots of water... it will happen!
  • pennyk78
    pennyk78 Posts: 19
    I have PCOS & T2 diabetes (double whammy in weight loss department) and don't think I've had much trouble losing weight. Or at least, I refuse to let it. I also have thyroid problems. PCOS, T2 diabetes, and thyroid issues (all complicators of weight loss) can kiss my steadily shrinking fanny!

    Love your attitude! :happy:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I love your attitude :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I've been struggling with Fibroids and Vitamin D deficiency. Taking my supplements, exercising, and eating well has been helping me find the energy to keep going. Lots of us have these issues that make weight loss difficult. It's important that you don't give up and don't let whatever is going on stop you. It may take some time for you to find the diet and exercise that works best for you. Just don't give up or think that this problem will keep you from reaching your goals.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't have PCOS, but I've just been diagnosed with insulin resistance - which is treated similarly to PCOS - with metformin to control the insulin. Like you, I work out like mad, eat non processed foods, mostly organic put in 4 miles/daily on my elliptical another 3-5 miles a week running outdoors and I gain. Heck, I've just come off a stomach virus and I gained .8 pound!

    Talk to your doctor, see an endocrinologist - there is a way to beat this. Think of it like this (my trainer told me this) "You are the fittest "overweight" person you know!!"
    And know what, when I look in the mirror and I see my 195 pounds, I don't look like those 195-200 pound contestants on the Biggest Loser - I look GOOD!:smooched:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I have PCOS. Could this be why I am having such a hard time losing?? I seriously work my butt off in the gym everyday!!!! I am always the one who is soaked in sweat when other people are barely doing anything. I am always the one to make healthy choices when I eat while my friends eat cookies and crap. It's not fair.

    it might make it harder to lose, but if you keep at it, it will work. :) i have been on metformin (and a few other drugs) since may of last year. about 4 months ago, i finally started losing weight and have consistantly lost one pound a month. it might not seem like much, but that means it is one pound i am not gaining. you can do this!! there are alot of women with pcos on here to offer you encouragement and support!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I'm going to do a tag-along on this post. To those of you that replied you're on Metformin, how do you handle the stomach issues? I've tried it a few times with no success. Right now I'm working on losing without taking any drugs and just handling the PCOS through exercise.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I take insulin & metformin, and don't have any problems with them. If you're having issues on it, you need to talk to your doctor. They can change the dose or try something else.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I have been on Metformin and "the pill" to help encourage my periods for about a year now.

    I have to say Ive hardly seen a difference. Other than in my bowel, My poor tummy and metformin dont get along very well :sick:

    Having PCOS truly sucks. But Im not going to let that bother me, for the less you weigh the less the symptoms will affect you. Thats just more reasons for me to lose weight then isnt it?

    Besides Victoria Beckham has PCOS supposedly. Ive seen about 6 different Gynocologists and a nutritionalist in my years and every bloody one of them feels the need to tell me that. So I thought Id pass it on, although im sure you have probably heard it too :P
  • Helly86
    Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
    Do the drugs help?

    I was initially diagnosed with PCOS when i was 16, yet another doctor told me when i was 22 i didnt have it! ( I did manage to loose 2 stone on my own and that helps the symptoms!)

    Is it worth going back to doc and asking about drugs, im finding it soooo hard to loose weight and im wondering if its the PCOS's ugly head making things five times as hard!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and just went to see an endocrinologist today so tomorrow I have to go do blood work and a 2 hr sugar test.

    I just feel everything is going against me right now and I don't know why. The endocrinologist told me that I need to lose weight which I already knew.

    Just wondering what is working for you to help you lose the weight
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    I have PCOS too....day 2 of 'myfitnesspal'. I am addicated to carbs...so this is a slow process of filtering then down. I have 67lbs to lose.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have PCOS & T2 diabetes (double whammy in weight loss department) and don't think I've had much trouble losing weight. Or at least, I refuse to let it. I also have thyroid problems. PCOS, T2 diabetes, and thyroid issues (all complicators of weight loss) can kiss my steadily shrinking fanny!

    This is me also! The only way I can control my symptoms is lifestyle change to low carb.
  • awesome_orchid
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter My younger sister has PCOS, she found out last year.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    WIth PCOS you need to lower your carbs and sugars. Preferably sticking to a Low GI diet!

    Thats what helps me lose weight more than anything. ITs also the diet recommended by my Dietician that I was referred to when I was diagnosed with PCOS.