If you miss your exercise routine do you reduce cals?

As the subject line says, My calorie allowance is based on the fact that I breastfeed (500 cals) and work out 2 times a week (about 500 cals burn each time).

This week has been difficult to workout with two sickly babies. Can I ask whether people drop their calories when they can not exercise? And if so how much by?



  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't drop my calories..

    I am assuming you will keep breastfeeding so your body needs to same amount of food to keep up to produce milk ( I am no doctor or anything but that's my understanding of it)..

    Have you calculated your TDEE?>
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you're daily goal includes workouts, and you don't workout, why wouldn't you drop cals, especially if we're talking about it happening for a week or longer?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    If you normally record exercise -which would reflect on your caloric goal- then missed exercise just won't be recorded to add to your daily calories.

    If you have your activity level set to include working out and therefore don't log your exercise, then I would suggest eating a little less that day.

    I use option 2. I have my activity level set to "worksout 3 days a week" and don't record my calorie burns (unless I have surpassed 3-4 days.). And just eat a little less on planned exercise days that I miss. But I am also at maintenance now, so I am no longer super strict about the exact numbers.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    If you told MFP that you work out 2X a week for "X" amount of minutes, it doesn't change your calorie goal. That is just there purely for goal tracking, your calories adjust when you actually enter your exercise for the day. So, on the days you exercise than you eat more (your calorie goal goes up) and on days you don't you just eat your normal goal.

    Unless you manually entered your calorie goal based on TDEE-x% with exercise factored in, than of course, drop your calories
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    If you normally record exercise -which would reflect on your caloric goal- then missed exercise just won't be recorded to add to your daily calories.

    If you have your activity level set to include working out and therefore don't log your exercise, then I would suggest eating a little less that day.

    I use option 2. I have my activity level set to "worksout 3 days a week" and don't record my calorie burns (unless I have surpassed 3-4 days.). And just eat a little less on planned exercise days that I miss. But I am also at maintenance now, so I am no longer super strict about the exact numbers.

    I plan to do 2 workouts a day (30 mins each). If I know (which I do by dinnertime) that I'm not going to get that second one in, I just make sure I eat a little lighter. Only by 100 cals or so
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Hiya yes i manually entered in my calories based off my bmr and tdee calculations. So I will reduce, but just not sure how much. To be honest I do not eat all my calories every day.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Hiya yes i manually entered in my calories based off my bmr and tdee calculations. So I will reduce, but just not sure how much. To be honest I do not eat all my calories every day.

    As long as your milk supply is good and you have energy and feel good than you're probably good.