1300 or 1600 calories?



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    This has my body fat percent too low I wish it was what it says so my BMR is too high off by almost 200 calories.
    All of these are questimates and we need to use trial and error or pay mega dollars to get the accurate number.

    I agree, they are all just guestimates. Thanks for the feedback on how your numbers figured after you tried it, I've always wondered how it worked for others.
    Since you said you were curious:

    It's best to know which equation you should apply based on your own information. Most TDEE calculators are estimated based on the Harris-Benedict formula. This doesn't take body fat into account. If you know an accurate number for your body fat, the Katch-McArdle formula can be used: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate#BMR_estimation_formulas

    Calculator that gives both: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    If you want to step it up a little more, you can actually get your RMR tested by a doctor, I've seen a few threads around these forums about those who have done it and based on what I've seen and what I've asked, what they estimated was usually lower then their tested RMR. This kind of makes sense, since BMR is based on unconscious numbers and for the test they don't usually wack you over the head with a bat or anything so you can still move your eyeballs and such :tongue:

    And please don't plug your numbers into a online calculator to spit out body fat percentage. The standard deviation for error is very large and can range significantly.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    My BMR is 1743.. and to lose 2lbs a week I'm meant to eat 1300 but that's well below my BMR. But even if I calculate my sedentary TDEE minus 20%.. that's below my BMR too.
    My BMR is 1743 and my TDEE is 2300. Yes I used the road map post & dan advised me to eat 1600

    If your sedentary TDEE is 2300 calories...20% less than that is 1840. That's def not below your BMR.
  • Cptrob
    Cptrob Posts: 80 Member
    if all those calculators fail.. one thing that will always work is a scale.. and the mirror..

    scale goes up.. eat less.. scales down.... stay in the deficit.. scale stays the same maintenance....

    Check plz.