Post Partum Mommies!



  • mischelleguerrero
    mischelleguerrero Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am one week PP after having my little girl on Valentine's Day via emergency c section. I never expected to be recovering from surgery, and so I am having to modify the plan I had to loose the weight before my sister's wedding in August. I have a 9 year old and 14 month old in addition to my newborn. I have been breastfeeding my 14 month old from birth and plan to continue nursing for at least another two years. At one week PP I have lost 12 of the 35lbs I put on,leaving me at 20lbs to my goal weight. I am excited to see the weight come off and getting into shape for those wedding pictures!
  • Kelley_Marie
    I'm a first time mom of a beautiful boy, who happens to be 10 weeks old today! I'm currently breastfeeding while trying to work full time... Not very easy to do :/ I hope that I can be of help, and anyone is welcome to add me!! :)
  • vanillagirl86
    vanillagirl86 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I had my daughter 4 months ago. Baby number 2 and the weight is not just falling off like last time. It's tough :(
  • jessie322
    jessie322 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I'm Jessie.

    I recently lost nearly 20 pounds. After many failed diets, this felt great! But recently I've put back on 5 of those pounds. I'm very motivated to make that weight loss stick and reach my goal weight.

    Feel to friend me if you are looking for someone to do tackle your extra pounds with.

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Still working on baby weight here as well. My daughter will be 3 in May, I gained 35 with her and only lost 20 before getting pregnant again. My son will be 11 months next week, I gained another 35 with him and have only lost 15 so far. Unfortunately I seem to be one of the unlucky ones who doesn't lose weight while BFing. I was a lower weight the end of last summer but all the working out crashed my supply and it took about a month to get it back. I ended up gaining a lot of what I had lost back. Now that he's older we're slowly starting the milk transition and he's not all that interesting in nursing anymore so I'm back to serious workouts :)
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I have three girls. The youngest is 13 months and we are still nursing. Feel free to add me!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member

    I'm Jill. I had my daughter 8.5 months ago, and I seriously began trying to lose weight after about 3 weeks postpartum. Was spinning my wheels despite regularly going to the gym until I found MFP in November (forgot that I had signed up a few months earlier!). On my own I had only lost 2 lbs over those first 5 months. With MFP I've lost 21 lbs in the subsequent 3 months :smile:. Can't believe the difference calorie counting has made!
  • dayvco
    Hi! I have seven my youngest being 5 months. I started out overweight and have about 90lbs to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hey - my daughter is 5m this week,
    I started on MFP March 2010 when I started trying to get pregnant.
    After losing 100+lbs I got pregnant and had my daughter in October
    I didnt gain much with her - and I am currently just below my pre-pregnancy weight
    However I am trying to continue with my weightloss journey
    I still have 50-60lbs I would like to shed to be at a healthy weight
  • Embly411
    Embly411 Posts: 1
    Hello all! I have a 5 year old and 1 year old twins and finally feel ready to take on the weight loss challenge. I was lucky to not gain much weight while pregnant, however, I've held steady at about 190 lbs (with lots of belly fat) for as long as I can remember and would like to get below the "overweight" BMI percentage and lose 50 lbs (or more!). Also, I have a trip to France and my 20 year high school reunion this summer! I started MFP about two weeks ago and have managed to walk or yoga everyday and already I've lost 6 lbs. I can't believe the energy I have! It would be wonderful to connect with other busy moms who have to exercise at "naptime".
  • LaciElements
    My last child was born 24 months ago , she is the youngest of 8 so I know what you mean by baby weight ;)
  • funkymunky8585
    Hi there, I am 7 weeks postpartum tomorrow. I am here looking for support, encouragement and inspiration to continue my journey to fitness. I am 28, 5'7" and was always around 140 lbs. until the time I got married/pregnant, at which time my weight went up to 150 lbs. Then I got pregnant and gained a ton! I was 208 when I delivered. I had a c-section so I haven't been able to exercise, but have just been eating really clean and healthy - I am now down to 163 lbs. I want to eventually get back to 135 or 140 lbs. It's great to see others who have accomplished their goals on this site, and to know there are other ladies in similar boats to me. I am planning to walk an hour a day with my baby. Hoping to get to my weightloss goal by November!
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I am a new mom to a baby boy born in October 2012. I am breastfeeding as well and plan to until he is at least a year old, longer if I am able!! Anyone feel free to add me, would love to have more support and support you also!!
  • onurd
    onurd Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I had a beautiful baby boy 4 months ago. He is my first so I am learning how to deal with a lot of different thinks. I went back to work 4 weeks after I had him. He was being breast feed until I had to spend 3 nights at the hospital. Now I am ready to lose all the weight I have gained.
    Let’s lose weight together :) Feel free to add me.