Who wants to join a 20lb weight loss challenge with me?

I lost all the weight I wanted to then gained it all back and fell off track and felt sorry for myself.

I am back on and am looking for people who need lose about 20lbs and want to do it with me. I need support and a goal and a timeline and accountability.

Anyone in?


  • oliviakiwi
    oliviakiwi Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in.
    How about setting a timeline of 4 months?
    June 14th 2013 = 20lb lighter.

    Weekly weigh ins on Thursdays?

    My goal is fitting into my tri gear with NO bulging. With the additional benefits of feeling lighter running, biking up hills more easily and not being embarrassed at the pool!

    My primary challenges are - falling off the wagon and letting myself slide all the way into a pile of sugar and carbs. Not stopping myself when I have eaten enough. Giving up when I make a mistake.

    I am going to set myself eating windows - and STICK to them!! Stick to my calories and stick to my training plan. Oh yeah - and STOP eating after the kiddos go to bed!!
  • melkavan
    Well, I have a lot further to go on my journey... I just started. But one step at a time!
    My birthday is June 14th and I would love a little extra motivation to stay on track..
    If that's okay?

    Weekly weigh ins would be a huge motivation for me to stay on track too!

    I'm all in.
  • pinkeclipse
    pinkeclipse Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in maybe this would help me get back on track!!

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