Insanity workout for 60 days!! Higher level! Woo-hoo

Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone!! I have completed the workout program P90X 3 1/2 times, P90X plus twice, Chalean Extreme once and have done gym style weight lifting and also step aerobics and kickboxing. Love Interval training.

I am now doing Insanity Cardio and resistance workouts DVD's and I am loving it so far. Is tough but very rewarding!

Please follow my thread if you can. I will be posting results daily!! Can't wait to see the next level Insanity takes me too!!

Oh, i am also an Independent Beachbody Coach so if anyone needs any help with nutrition and exercise, please give me a shout.

Good luck everyone!!


  • jowans2004
    jowans2004 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there, I completed one full round of Insanity, and it's a love/hate thing for sure! I am now doing a hybrid of P90x/Insanity, where I do P90x, but replace the cardio with Insanity. Believe me, once you complete Insanity, P90x cardio is nothing in comparison! By the way, I am thinking about my next workout. How did you like Chalean? Did you get further results with Chalean after doing P90x so many times? I am thinking about that and RevAbs too since my abs are my focal point! Good luck with Insanity, it's definitely a whole new and GREAT level!
  • ErikaSudz
    ErikaSudz Posts: 26
    I am on week 11 of my first round of P90X and still in love with it. After I do my doubles I was thinking of getting insanity. How different is it from X


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    almost done with 1st round of p90x, and my husband just ordered insanity! Tempted to try it, but I think I will do 1 more round of p90x then try it. Adding the insanity cardio is a good idea....cause I would like a bit more cardio than what p90x offers! I am a cardio buff, LOVE IT! thanks for the idea!!
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Great ladies!! Thank you for your replies.

    jowans24: I found Chalean not much of a challenge after doing P90X. Is good for someone who is starting out. But if you have done P90x, well Chalean may seem a piece of cake. It did to me! :wink:

    Insanity if VERY demanding extreme cardio. It has 3 intervals of speed, but once you are going faster and you have to keep it up for one full minute, it can be very hard. BUT you can stop, and then get yourself together again (quickly) and then jump right back in. VERY, VERY different from P90X.

    A lot of people are doing the hybrid of Insanity and P90X. It is a very good idea. I will do that once I am done and taken a very nice full week of rest!!!
  • Joeysgirl
    Joeysgirl Posts: 99
    I am in week 2 of Month 2 of Insanity - great program!!! Hard, challenging.. but SO worth every second. I feel like I have accomplished something major every day after I complete a DVD. Shaun T is so inspiring and motivating that it just works well for me. Once I am done with this.. I will be taking a short break and then headed right into Round 2 of Insanity with the addition of Brazil Butt Lift.

    There is an Insanity thread on here for people that are doing it now, if any of you are interested - titled " Insanity? "

    Sandy is super helpful over there too! Lots of support for anyone going through the program :)
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you Joeysgirl!! Great job! Wow, made it to month 2 already! Can't wait to get there! :wink:

    This is definitely an amazingly challenging workout. I am glad that Shaun T starts us intensely but at the same time in a short time! I can't imagine starting these workouts they way they are for a full hour for starters. But Shaun T knows to take us there slowly and then add more time to it as we get used to these killer workouts.

    I am no stranger to football drills so some of the moves he does I have done before... but not in intervals... Today we have Pure Cardio.. Woo-hoo! Lets get it on.

    Once I am doing I will be doing P90X again but using Insanity cardio!
  • EricBlem
    EricBlem Posts: 4
    Did 60 days of the X last year, lost 26 lbs, gained 30 lbs last semester (my first in college lol), I'm on day 81 right now, as of two weeks ago i was down 16 lbs. I finish april 10, plan on starting insanity April 12. I did 3 weeks of mix and match insanity this past summer, all beachbody products are fitness gold
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Quick question- how long is an Insanity workout (30 mins a day, an hour a day, what?). I started P90X before I got pregnant with my second baby but quit because I was so tired and sick. Now with two kids, working full time, and a long commute to work, I just don't have time to devote an hour or more to working out every day. Is there a Beachbody program that is a shorter workout but gives good results? I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred right now, but looking for something after that.
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    The first month exercises range from about 35 to 45 minutes. The 2nd month run about 45 to an hour.
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Quick question- how long is an Insanity workout (30 mins a day, an hour a day, what?). I started P90X before I got pregnant with my second baby but quit because I was so tired and sick. Now with two kids, working full time, and a long commute to work, I just don't have time to devote an hour or more to working out every day. Is there a Beachbody program that is a shorter workout but gives good results? I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred right now, but looking for something after that.

    Insanity is VERY intense in a short amount of time. At first the workouts are short no more than 30 minutes or so.

    The next month, they get longer 45 minutes to 1 hr. I am only on week 1, day #6 today. So far so. They are so fast that before you know you are done. But even though they are short, they are extremely intense.
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Did 60 days of the X last year, lost 26 lbs, gained 30 lbs last semester (my first in college lol), I'm on day 81 right now, as of two weeks ago i was down 16 lbs. I finish april 10, plan on starting insanity April 12. I did 3 weeks of mix and match insanity this past summer, all beachbody products are fitness gold

    Hey, good for you!! Believe me, I 've done 3 1/2 round of P90X but I will NOT do another round of Insanity alone! :laugh: I will do a hybrid of P90X and Insanity once I am done and of course take a full week's break to recovery!
  • EricBlem
    EricBlem Posts: 4
    Weighed myself on the original scale this past weekend, down 23 lbs! I'm pretty pumped for starting insanity, but I'm even more excited the do a hybrid when I finish. When Round 1 of insanity is all said and done I think I will spend at least a month in the gym and on the track until I hit that initial plateau, then I'm going to work a hybrid of X, Insanity, and One on One
  • jenkamm
    jenkamm Posts: 1
    I am almost done with the 2 month of Insanity! I love it and I have seen good results. I want to know what I should do next? Is the Asylum something as good or should I try something else?
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