Anyone else have this issue?

Ok....My name is Jamie and 2.5 years ago I started my weightloss journey at 170.2lbs @ 5'3. I lost my first 13 pounds before I found MFP. They were the hardest pounds to date to lose. Once I found MFP things have been amazing. My current weight is 117.8lbs I love this site. It has changed me forever!

The issue?
I have friends who are starting to erk my nerves. Many ask how did you lose it? I get excited and tell them all about MFP...what do they say? Im not going to do that...thats crazy to count calories, no i dont want to do that.....OK! then the other day I am in a group of my friends who are all talking about losing weight...instead of them asking me how i did it they are talking to a girl who has taken diet pills to lose 20 lbs?!?!?! And they all say oh yeah I tried that one but I gained the weight back. OH REALLY? as they go on they talk about trying it again..... I was a victim of this thinking too once, I thought I just want to lose it and lose it fast. HOWEVER, as i have learned through this process, there is NO FINISH LINE to get to. There is no reason to get there fast bc there is no where to get to. It will be for the rest of my life just making better decisions more times than not. I also want to state that I did NOT lose this weight eating carrotts and Lettus. I still ate my french fries, I still drink my beer. I just do it differently now. They start telling me I am losing too much weight. Well I eat all day. I stuff my face with food all the time, I work out not as much as i used to but I get 2-3 workouts in a week.

Does anyone else have this issue with friends saying your losing too much weight or asking how you did it and they just dont want to listen about this amazing website? I just dont get how they can complain about my weight loss and complain about thier weight but NOT LISTEN to how I did it. Done venting :)


  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    This has been discussed recently on here. Most people don't want to hear about it if it's not a quick and easy fix. When asked how you lost weight, just limit your answer to "diet and exercise" at which point they'll usually make a face and change the subject. For the rare one that follows up with "How did you stay motivated, what exactly did you do?" go ahead and elaborate, but you'll lose most people at "diet".
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yeah - that's because most people want a "quick fix" and don't want to hear about those who are doing it the right way.

    It bugs me to. People ask me how I did it and I'll start telling them, and what do I hear? "Oh I could never do that." It isn't like what I'm doing is that hard....but they'd rather take a pill or have surgery. Sorry - unless they fix what got them to whatever weight they are, a pill or surgery isn't going to help much. THey have to get "right in the head" first.

    I remember weighing in at Weight Watchers a number of years ago, and someone came in saying she wanted to lose weight fast for a cruise she was going on, and wanted to sign up. The weigh-in clerk and I were like, "This isn't for you then." We just told her to eat as much vegetables as possible, and good luck with that. She hughed and left.
  • Kimmy_927
    Kimmy_927 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with everything you said. I've learned to educate myself on proper nutrition. A friend of mine has gained a ton of weight. She tried the special K diet for 2 weeks, lost nothing. Then tried this daily exercise thing online, all the while, still drinking her needed 1 soda a day, and eating out several times a week. She said how she put on a swimsuit and cried. But she's made no real changes to her diet, which is is very poor. People don't realize it's a LIFESTYLE change, not a "diet". That's too much effort for some people.