New Member - looking to change my life!

Hi there! I am new to the site. Looking for other's 'like me.'

I am 25 years old and currently weight 300 pounds. Yes, 300. It's OK that your mouth is wide open, mine is too.

How'd I get here? Lots of reasons. But that isn't important to me right now. What's important is where I'm going.

I am looking to lose half my body weight. I'd be happy getting back down to 200 pounds, but I am going for healthy, which is at least 150.

Really here looking for motivation and others in my shoes with advice and encouragement.

Looking forward to talking to you more,



  • ashley1q
    ashley1q Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - my name is Ashley. I am also new to these message boards and looking for friends to help motivate me. I am 23 years old at 298 lbs, so I hear what you're saying. Looks like we have the same goals. I don't only want to be "skinny" but healthy too. Friend me and we can keep in touch and keep eachother motivated!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You have started, and that is the first step. You can do this! Set small goals, but keep the long term goal in sight. Every day, get up and think that today is a new day (whether the day before was a good day or a bad day). Then log everything you eat and all the exercise you get into the tool. You will begin to start noticing the changes!